
The Radiant Creator, Bringer of Light and Protection

Luminar is a powerful and enigmatic god who embodies the qualities of creation, watchfulness, and protection. They are often depicted as a tall, slender figure, with piercing eyes that seem to see all. Radiating an aura of radiant light, Luminar stands as the guardian deity, offering unwavering protection to their followers. They possess the ability to perceive danger before it arises and are always watching over their worshippers with a vigilant eye. Luminar's watchful presence extends beyond physical safety, encompassing moral and spiritual well-being. Their devotees build towers and beacons in their honor, seeking their guidance and protection in times of darkness. Through their unwavering vigilance and illuminating presence, Luminar guides their followers through life's challenges and inspires them to uphold justice and seek balance in all things.  

State Religion of the Kingdom of Colandria

The Church of Luminar is the revered state religion of the Kingdom of Colandria, established by the influential House of Krys during their ascent to power.



Luminar governs the forces of creation, the spark that brings forth life and shapes the world. Light
They embody the radiance of light, symbolizing enlightenment, purity, and the dispelling of darkness. Protection
Luminar is the guardian deity, offering watchfulness and safeguarding their followers from harm.


Luminar is depicted as a towering and ethereal figure, radiating a radiant aura of light. They possess a slender and graceful form, with luminous eyes that seem to see all. Adorned in flowing robes that shimmer with iridescent hues, they represent the brilliance and purity of divine light.  


Luminar exudes an air of calm and serenity, emanating a reassuring presence to those who seek their protection. They are known for their unwavering dedication to the welfare of their followers, standing as a beacon of hope and guidance in times of darkness. Luminar's watchfulness extends beyond physical safety, encompassing moral and spiritual well-being, emphasizing the importance of balance and justice.  


Radiant Shield
Luminar wields a gleaming shield that reflects and amplifies the light. It serves as both a symbol of protection and a tool to dispel darkness and ward off malevolent forces. Staff of Illumination
They carry a staff adorned with glowing gems, which channels their divine light and aids in casting spells of healing and protection.

Followers and Practices

Followers of Luminar are diverse and encompass those who seek protection, enlightenment, and the preservation of balance:   Guardians and Sentinels
Luminar's devotees include paladins, guardians, and sentinels who dedicate themselves to protecting the innocent and upholding justice. Seekers of Enlightenment
Many scholars, sages, and seekers of knowledge turn to Luminar in their quest for enlightenment and the uncovering of hidden truths. Keepers of the Light
Some followers focus on preserving and spreading the light of Luminar, operating beacons, lighthouses, and sacred fires that serve as symbols of hope and guidance.


Rituals dedicated to Luminar often take place at sunrise or sunset, embracing the transitional moments between light and darkness. Participants gather in sacred spaces, adorned with brilliant tapestries, candles, and mirrors to reflect and amplify the divine light. The rituals involve offerings of pure white flowers, incense, and prayers for protection, guidance, and the enlightenment of the mind and spirit. Moments of silence and meditation are observed to attune oneself to the radiance and presence of Luminar.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
White, mid-length and floating