
Within the Arcane Division, a rare and elusive mineral known as Mysticite is utilized to imbue magical properties into inanimate objects. This has led to a significant upswing in technological advancements based upon arcane principles. Mysticite is alternatively referred to as "Mystic Dust" or simply "Dust" once it has undergone the refining and grinding process.   Mysticite is a type of ore that ranges in colour from deep blue to Azure. It has a distinctive, almost supernatural luster that glimmers when it's in contact with light. This ore is incredibly dense and heavy, and its hardness is comparable to that of diamonds.  


Known to Eroedon's Dwarven population for many Great Cycles, and used by their crafters to forge weapons and tools of high power, the integration of Dwarves into COlandrian culture saw it come to the attention of the The Academy of Quinn.  


Colandria has almost complete control over the procurement and distribution of Mysticite and Mystic Powder. To obtain Mysticite and Mystic Powder, one must be a registered member The Academy of Quinn o the The Academy of Wycato .   Purchasing Mystic Dust outside of Academy-authorised outlets required access to the black market and risk of inferior quality Dust. Obtaining raw Mysticite outside of Academy's control is almost impossible.  


While found in the Firespeak Mountains and Singing Spires, vast deposits are found in narrow veins deep beneath the Sognefjord mountains, and its exact locations are known only to the Rundar dwarves who mine it. To extract the mystical properties of Mysticite, the dwarves employ a complex refining process known only to them. This process creates Mystic Dust, a fine powder that glows with a faint blue light and has subtle magical energy. The dwarves of the Sognefjord mountains have been refining Mysticite for centuries, using the resulting Mystic Dust to infuse their weapons, armour, and other items with magical power. The dust is also highly sought after by wizards, artificers and other magic users, who use it to enchant and imbue their own items with magical energy.