
The Divine Sentinel of Truth and Justice

Thantos, revered as the Divine Sentinel of Truth and Justice, stands as an unwavering bastion of righteousness in the realm of Eroedon. Cloaked in robes of shimmering silver and adorned with intricate golden engravings, he emanates an aura of divine authority and impartiality. His piercing sapphire eyes hold the weight of knowledge and discernment, ever vigilant in upholding the principles of truth and fairness. With a resolute voice that echoes like a thunderclap, Thantos ensures that no falsehood goes unnoticed and no injustice goes unpunished. His unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth inspires mortals to seek justice and uphold moral virtue, for they know that under his watchful gaze, deceit and corruption will crumble, and the light of truth will prevail.


Truth: Thantos governs the realm of truth, embodying the essence of honesty, transparency, and the pursuit of objective reality. He empowers his followers to seek truth in all aspects of life and dispel falsehoods.

Justice: Thantos is the divine arbiter of justice, upholding fairness and ensuring that actions are met with appropriate consequences. He champions the rights of the oppressed and strives to restore balance and righteousness.

Judgement: Thantos possesses the domain of judgment, enabling him to discern the moral worth of individuals and their actions. He weighs the scales of justice with impartiality, delivering verdicts that reflect the true nature of one's deeds.

Integrity: Thantos promotes the virtue of integrity, inspiring his followers to uphold strong moral principles and act with honor and uprightness. He condemns deceit and corruption, valuing sincerity and a steadfast commitment to truth.


Thantos is often depicted as a regal and dignified deity, with a commanding presence that demands respect. His countenance emanates a sense of serenity and deep understanding, reflecting his profound insight into the nature of truth and justice. His eyes, piercing and clear, hold a discerning gaze that pierces through falsehoods and reveals the essence of reality.   Adorned in regal attire, Thantos wears robes of pure white, symbolizing the purity and transparency of truth. The fabric drapes elegantly around him, embodying his commitment to fairness and unbiased judgment. A cloak adorned with intricate patterns resembling scales signifies the equilibrium he maintains in the pursuit of justice.  


In one hand, Thantos holds the "Scroll of Law" as a symbol of his dominion over truth and justice. The Scroll of Law represents the written record of principles and rules that govern moral conduct and guide the pursuit of justice.   In his other hand, Thantos wields the Sword of Justice, a gleaming blade forged from the purest moral fiber. The sword represents his power to cut through deceit and falsehood, revealing the truth and dispelling darkness. It serves as a symbol of his authority to enact righteous judgment and bring justice to those who have strayed from the path of truth.  


Thantos's voice resonates with an unwavering tone, carrying the weight of absolute truth and unwavering conviction. His words inspire righteousness and guide mortals towards the path of moral integrity. His counsel is sought by both the accused and the righteous, as he provides insight and guidance rooted in fairness and the pursuit of justice.  


Devotees of Thantos revere him as the ultimate source of truth and justice. They invoke his name in their quest for moral clarity and fairness. They believe that by embracing the principles of truth and justice, they align themselves with his divine will and contribute to the establishment of a just and righteous society.   Thantos's divine presence instils a sense of accountability, reminding mortals of the importance of truthfulness, fairness, and the pursuit of justice in their actions. He serves as a beacon of righteousness and an embodiment of the eternal principles that guide humanity towards a world built on truth and justness.