
The Archon of Knowledge and Wisdom

Vertas, the Archon of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Artifice, exudes an aura of profound intellect and creativity. Clad in robes of indigo, symbolizing the depths of knowledge, they inspire and guide artificers in their craft. With eyes that shine with piercing insight, Vertas imparts the secrets of ancient craftsmanship and the intricacies of arcane engineering. They possess an understanding of the delicate balance between magic and technology, nurturing the ingenuity and innovative spirit of artificers who seek to create wondrous inventions. Vertas, the patron of artificers, unlocks the mysteries of ancient techniques and empowers their followers to push the boundaries of what is possible through their mastery of the melding of science and magic.


Vertas presides over the vast expanse of knowledge, encompassing both intellectual and spiritual wisdom.

They guide seekers towards understanding the deeper truths and insights that can only be attained through wisdom and experience.

Vertas is the patron of artificers, empowering them in the pursuit of blending magic and technology to create wondrous inventions.


Vertas appears as a figure of profound wisdom and serene intellect. Clad in flowing robes of rich indigo, symbolizing the depths of knowledge, they emanate an aura of quiet brilliance. Their eyes shine with a piercing gaze, reflecting the profound depths of understanding they possess. Vertas often carries a tome or scroll, signifying the eternal pursuit of knowledge.


Vertas exudes a calm and patient demeanour, exemplifying the qualities of a sage and teacher. They are known for their impartiality and rationality, approaching matters with careful consideration and intellectual discernment. Vertas values the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake and encourages others to seek enlightenment and expand their understanding of the world.


Tome of Infinite Wisdom
Vertas possesses a sacred tome containing the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of the ages. It serves as a boundless source of guidance and insight, accessible only to those worthy of its teachings.

Oracle's Staff
They wield a staff adorned with intricate symbols, representing their role as a conduit between mortal seekers and the divine wisdom they offer.

Followers and Practices

Devotees of Vertas are artificers, inventors, and seekers of knowledge. They engage in various practices to align themselves with Vertas' essence:

Craftsmanship and Study
Vertas' followers dedicate themselves to the art of artifice, combining magical knowledge and technical skills to create intricate and wondrous inventions.

Experimental Innovation
They explore uncharted realms of magic and technology, pushing the boundaries of what is known to discover new and groundbreaking techniques.

Rituals of Inspiration
Vertas' followers perform rituals that involve contemplation, studying ancient texts, and communing with the spirit of invention to unlock inspiration and deepen their understanding of the convergence of magic and artifice.


Artifacers Pin

As the patron of artificers, Vertas would be associated with a symbol that represents the union of magic and technology. One possible symbol for Vertas could be a stylized gear or cog intertwined with a flowing scroll or open book. This symbolizes the fusion of mechanical craftsmanship and intellectual knowledge, reflecting the artificers' ability to create intricate and magical devices through their understanding of both scientific principles and arcane secrets. The gear represents the mechanical aspect of their creations, while the scroll or book represents the wisdom and knowledge that fuels their ingenuity. This symbol serves as a reminder of Vertas' guidance and inspiration in the artificers' pursuit of crafting marvels that bridge the realms of science and magic.



To invoke the blessings of Vertas, practitioners gather in a tranquil setting, adorned with symbols of knowledge and wisdom. The ritual begins with a period of silent meditation, allowing participants to calm their minds and open themselves to the flow of knowledge. Offerings of books, scrolls, or written works are presented, symbolizing the sharing and exchange of knowledge. Chants of invocation are sung, calling upon Vertas to grant guidance and enlightenment. The ritual culminates in a collective act of contemplation, where participants engage in reflective discussions and share their insights, fostering an atmosphere of intellectual growth and mutual learning.
