BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The night didn’t know beauty until Desna came into existence. While the other gods toiled away to create the world, she set her sights on the heavens, placing each star in the sky. After surveying her artistry, she hung the brightest star high in the north and made it her home. Her first gift to mortals was this beacon of hope, a twinkling sign in the dark sky that they could turn to when lost or unsure of themselves. Desna provides safe passage through the darkness to all, should they choose to follow.   Desna journeys without end, for the wonders of the universe are endless. She relies on instinct to guide her, paying no mind to planning or destination. Her lapsing attention may come off as uncaring or cold, but Desna simply prefers an untethered, carefree existence. Her confidence in herself and her followers frees her from the indulgence of worry. She knows fate can always be rewritten and encourages others to embrace all that life has to offer. Desna wants her followers to take chances, get messy, and live life to its fullest. Those who follow her teachings she rewards with a spot of luck—revealing unseen shortcuts, dangers to be circumvented, and undiscovered wonders.   Desna encourages her followers to chase their bliss, find what impassions them, and explore. She recognizes love in all its forms and remains committed to her lovers Sarenrae and Shelyn. She also shares a close relationship with Cayden Cailean and has no reservations about taking on new lovers. Desna is protective of those she cares for and does not hesitate to strike back at any who would hurt or impede those she has placed under her protection.   Most centers of worship for Desna are not ornate temples but instead small, unattended shrines. These shrines are most commonly found at crossroads, remote areas of beauty, or the tops of hills where the stars can be viewed unimpeded. Traveling Desnan priests clean and maintain these shrines as they encounter them, leaving their signatures behind as a way of marking their own journey.  

Divine Intercession

  Desna favors those who follow their hearts and whims without bringing harm to others.   Minor Boon: For those at the end of a journey, Desna gifts a deep sleep. Once, after you rest, you completely recover all Hit Points, remove all negative conditions, and become free of any curses or diseases.   Moderate Boon: Desna twists fortune in your favor. Once per day, after determining the result of a check, you can reroll the check and take the new result.   Major Boon: Desna bestows you with a swirling cloud of lights that forms a pair of wondrous butterfly wings. These wings grant you a fly Speed of 40 feet and shine dim light to a range of 20 feet.   Minor Curse: You always seem to lose your way or have strange mishaps on the road that delay your travel. You (and thus any group that travels with you) travel at only 3/4 normal exploration Speed, before taking into account the terrain and other features that might slow you down further.   Moderate Curse: Misfortune follows you in your travels and requires acts of contrition or benevolence to keep at bay. You must always roll twice and take the worst result when attempting a check. This is a misfortune effect. You can express your remorse and ignore this effect for 1d4 rounds by spending an action, which has the concentrate trait. If you perform a truly selfless act of compassion, you ignore this effect for 1 day.   Major Curse: The stars rebuke you for your ways. You are sickened 4 and slowed 1 whenever you are exposed to starlight.

The Song of the Spheres

  CG goddess of dreams, luck, stars, and travelers   Allies Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Gozreh, Sarenrae, Shelyn   Enemies Lamashtu, Rovagug, Zon-Kuthon   Temples hilltops, observatories, standing stones, towers   Worshippers astronomers, dreamers, explorers, gamblers, travelers   Sacred Animal butterfly   Sacred Colors blue and white   Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma   Alternate Domains stars, void


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