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Iomedae’s followers heed her call to take up arms against evil and fight wickedness for the majority of their lives. This may take the form of physical combat against the likes of fiends, undead, and other sinister creatures, but devotion to the Inheritor also manifests as individuals fighting against adversity, oppression, or injustice through their own personal methods. Wherever courage, righteousness, and valor are needed, Iomedae’s followers thrive. Iomedae is popular among lawful good adventurers, and those who worship her sometimes show their faith by wearing a thin white chasuble over their normal adventuring gear.   The Inheritor does not see herself as deity of war, but she places great value on prowess at arms and is patron to many military orders, and her saints are known for their combat skill. As the only woman who has ascended to divinity through the Test of the Starstone, she offers a haven for women fleeing from cruel partners, slave masters, and other oppressors. Many of these women grow to become skilled knights in their own right or earn positions of great influence within her church.   Priests of Iomedae often travel, usually with a circle: a group of 10 to 50 individuals under the charge of a sword knight. Many priests serve on the front lines of battle, directly combating evils themselves or aiding others who share their cause. Priests in cities keep their ears tuned for crime and work to stamp it out. Those who can’t endure the rigors of battle or choose a more peaceful path often work in courtrooms, serve as advisors to nobles and local leaders, or train the next generation of crusaders. Iomedae’s churches are rarely staffed directly by champions, clerics, or priests, as most prefer to remain active in their work. Instead, layfolk and acolytes serve at most churches within cities, though some crusaders become the wards of shrines and temples in more remote regions.  


  Iomedae grants her blessings to those who show valor in trying times.   Minor Boon: You always present yourself at your best. Your clothing and person are always clean and unrumpled, the metal of your blade and armor shining and unblemished. This doesn’t prevent you from being exposed to diseases and other afflictions via filth, but it protects you as well as if you had washed thoroughly right away.   Moderate Boon: Your heart beats with a determined valor. Once, Iomedae ends all negative effects affecting you, unless they are from an artifact, deity, or similarly powerful source; she also restores all lost Hit Points and replenishes your spells, Focus Points, and other daily resources.   Major Boon: Iomedae imbues your blade with great power. Longswords you wield gain the axiomatic, holy, and major striking runes while you hold them. These property runes count toward the number of runes you can have on your weapon, and if this would cause your weapon to exceed its limit, choose which ones to keep each day when you prepare. You gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls with longswords.   Minor Curse: Your blade and armor have dulled like lead. Your weapons, armor, and shields have half their usual Hit Points and Break Threshold.   Moderate Curse: Tactical advantages never seem to work the way you planned. You can’t receive a circumstance bonus to your attack rolls, and enemies don’t take any circumstance penalties to their AC against your attacks.   Major Curse: All blades reject your wicked heart. Any weapon you wield automatically becomes broken after you Strike with it. This curse can’t break artifacts or similarly powerful weapons.

The Inheritor

  LG goddess of honor, justice, rulership, and valor   Allies Abadar, Sarenrae, Torag   Enemies Asmodeus, Norgorber, Lamashtu   Temples castles, cathedrals, large and immaculately kept buildings   Worshippers aristocrats, crusaders, judges, knights, rulers, soldiers   Sacred Animal lion   Sacred Colors red and white   Divine Ability Strength or Constitution   Alternate Domains duty


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