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Rovagug has no single holy scripture. He has little use for one, for his sole commandment is to destroy, and his followers need no instruction in how to accomplish that. The figurative and literal monsters who worship Rovagug share their myths and legends in secret shrines and hidden caves, calling him the Rough Beast, the Imprisoned King, the Tide of Fangs, the Unmaker, and the Worldbreaker. They tell each other that each life they snuff out, each piece of art they destroy, each work of labor they bring tumbling down puts a crack in the prison that holds their god. Each of their little efforts of destruction adds up and will one day free him, setting him loose to bring about the end of all things.   While most of Rovagug’s followers simply seek an end to all, his most extreme worshippers believe they will be uplifted as gods in a new world Rovagug will create after destroying the old. In truth, the Rough Beast cares nothing for them. He cares only about destruction and bringing an end to all things. Should the day come that his prison fails, he would, after enacting his vengeance on the other gods, turn on his own spawn and followers, devouring them as surely as all else.   Rovagug’s faith is forbidden in civilized lands, where no temple to him is allowed to stand. The Rough Beast’s worshippers revel in the hatred of the other gods and their faithful. Creatures who take up Rovagug’s service live to destroy. Most are monsters or hail from communities that celebrate destruction; they cry out paeans to the god as they cut through lesser creatures in howling fits of rage. A few individuals—all somewhat monstrous in their own right—follow Rovagug in their lust for the power that they believe even the other gods fear, or in the mistaken belief that the obliteration the god promises would clear the way for a new birth. Even they know enough to not name their deity in the open, however, lest they be swiftly cut down.   The few adventurers who follow Rovagug cherish destruction, laying waste to as much as they can. They may be warlords, cultists seeking to open the locks of Rovagug’s prison, warriors who have seen such horrors that they can envision only destruction, or vengeful souls who want an end for themselves and all who have hurt them.  


  Rovagug’s imprisonment means he can almost never intercede in the mortal plane, but some places lead far enough into the earth that the god’s profane influence can leak through. He is as likely to curse those who draw his attention as he is to reward them, though great enough acts of violence and destruction may earn his favor.   Minor Boon: Your attack becomes more destructive. Once, one of your failed or successful attacks becomes a critical hit, and your weapon or unarmed attack gains the deadly d12 trait for this attack, replacing any deadly trait it already had. Rovagug typically grants this boon when the critical hit could destroy something precious or significant.   Moderate Boon: You can devour all. You mouth grows into a horrible circular, insectile maw of needle-like teeth. You gain a bite unarmed attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage. Additionally, you can stomach eating anything you can fit down your throat—even rocks or small objects. You gain a +4 status bonus to saves resulting from eating something, such as diseases, poisons, or other effects of the ingested object. This doesn’t allow you to digest magic items that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to destroy, such as cursed items or artifacts.   Major Boon: You can crack the surface of Golarion, accelerating the release of the Rough Beast. You gain the Quaking Stomp barbarian feat.   Minor Curse: Whenever you are imprisoned, you thrash and shake as your mind fills with desperation. Any time you are restrained or otherwise imprisoned (such as being sent to jail), you are also clumsy 2 and stupefied 2.   Moderate Curse: Your destructive rage seeks to remain unbound. Any armor you wear automatically becomes broken. Other items in your possession occasionally become broken over time.   Major Curse: You are useful only as a beacon of destruction. You are permanently confused, rampaging against anything and everything in your sight, and you deal an additional 18 damage with your unarmed and weapon Strikes.

The Rough Beast

  CE god of destruction, disaster, and wrath   Allies none   Enemies Abadar, Asmodeus, Calistria, Desna, Gozreh, Lamashtu, Pharasma, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, Zon-Kuthon   Temples caverns, chasms, fortresses, pits   Worshippers destructive zealots, doomsayers, hate-mongers, warlords   Sacred Animal scorpion   Sacred Colors brown and red   Divine Ability Strength or Constitution   Alternate Domains swarm, void


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