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Sarenrae is one of the most popular deities on Eromir by virtue of her association with the life-giving sun and her perpetual offer to help anyone be their best, even when they have made mistakes. Most people thank her for her kind work to channel the sun’s power for everyone’s safety and livelihood, and thank her clergy for granting her healing power to all who need it. Mortals look to the Dawnflower as an example of boundless love, exquisite kindness, and true patience. They pray to her to heal the sick, lift up the downtrodden, and illuminate darkness of circumstance as well as darkness of spirit. Her followers aspire to emulate her through generosity, nurturing, truthfulness, and selfless courage. They oppose evil everywhere with words first, and when necessary, with scimitar and flame.   The church of Sarenrae is devoted to healing all ills, nourishing body and spirit, and correcting evils. It is a flexible, quasi-familial organization that calls its members to go where they are needed. Most people recognize Sarenrae’s bright, soaring temples, which allow services to be performed in direct sunlight. Sarenite services are traditionally joyous, with singing and dancing. Milestones in familybuilding and personal growth are especially celebrated, including adoption, marriages, coming of age, and recognizing a former evildoer as rehabilitated.   Clergy are called to do many kinds of good in the world. They feed the hungry, tend the ill, heal the injured, and guide the lost. Many are trained as diplomats and advisers in the hope of maintaining peace and ensuring that governments are just and merciful. They also counsel those with torn spirits, mediate disputes, and rehabilitate those who have wronged others. Although most day-to-day work of the church is peaceful, its members practice swordplay and magic both as a form of meditative art and as preparation to strike down irredeemable evil with merciful speed.   Those who have done great wrongs but feel regret sometimes join Sarenrae’s church because the goddess offers a chance at redemption even to people who have committed terrible evils. The reflective and intimate Candlemark holiday on the winter solstice—celebrating the personal reasons that each individual follower joined the church—has special significance to these followers, as well as new practitioners and those in trying times.  


  Sarenrae often bestows boons for making a sacrifice to do better or taking a risk to redeem another. She typically curses those who betray her mercy.   Minor Boon: Your healing hands are blessed with a warm flame. Once, when you heal another creature, instead of healing it for the normal amount, you heal the creature to full Hit Points, no matter how much damage it has taken. Sarenrae typically grants this boon in extremely consequential circumstances.   Moderate Boon: Your blade burns the irredeemable. Your attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage that ignores fire resistance.   Major Boon: You are a voice of peace and rehabilitation. When you roll a success at a check to Request something, you get a critical success instead. In addition, all creatures other than fiends, undead, and mindless creatures allow you one chance to speak your piece and make requests before entering combat. If you or an ally ever use the time from the request to gain an advantage in an ensuing combat (for example, by casting preparatory spells, positioning for combat, or waiting out your opponent’s preparatory spells), Sarenrae immediately revokes this boon, or possibly curses your ally.   Minor Curse: The sun burns you for your transgression. You receive a sunburn that causes you to become permanently clumsy 1.   Moderate Curse: The sun shines its light on everything you say. You become unable to tell lies, and if you attempt to do so, you instead compulsively blurt out the truth on the matter in question. You are still able to withhold information or lie by omission.   Major Curse: Sarenrae restricts your ability to harm others. All attacks you make, spells you cast, and other sources of damage you deal are nonlethal except against fiends and undead, and you can’t ever make them lethal. You deal minimum damage except against fiends and undead. All creatures except fiends and undead gain a +4 status bonus to their AC and saving throws against your attacks and other effects.

The Dawnflower

  NG goddess of healing, honesty, redemption, and the sun   Allies Cayden Cailean, Desna, Iomedae, Shelyn   Enemies Asmodeus, Lamashtu, Rovagug, Urgathoa   Temples cathedrals, churches, infirmaries, standing stones   Worshippers healers, mediators, philanthropists, the redeemed   Sacred Animal dove   Sacred Colors blue and gold   Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom   Alternate Domains repose


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