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Storm's Edge

Storm's Edge is a legendary weapon, steeped in mystery. Its origins are lost to the mists of time, but stories of its power have been passed down through generations. According to ancient lore, the weapon was imbued with the ability to call forth the full fury of the elements, unleashing bolts of lightning, striking with the fury of earth, blasting gales of icy wind, and engulfing enemies in waves of fire.   Over the millenia, Storm's Edge has been hidden away in some forgotten corner of the world, waiting for a worthy hero to claim it once again.   Regardless of its whereabouts, the legacy of Storm's Edge endures. It is said that those who wield the weapon are infused with the power of the storm, and that they can call forth the elements to do their bidding. Some even claim that the weapon has the power to control the weather itself, bringing forth raging storms at will. Whether these tales are true or not, one thing is certain: whoever holds Storm's Edge holds the power of the elements in their hands.  

Relic Rules

  Purity of Elements (Level 1): Storm's Edge can change damage types at will between Electricity, Fire, Cold, and Bludgeoning   Feather Steps (Level 5): Your attunement to Storm's Edge grows, making your steps light as a feather. You gain a +1 (scaling to +2 at level 10 and +3 at level 15) item bonus to your stealth checks and you reduce falling damage equal to the relics level. If the damage becomes 0, you stay on your feet rather than becoming prone   Searing Wave (Level 9): Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Effect You allow a portion of the fire magic housed in your relic to escape in a direction of your choice. You deal 1d10 fire damage for every 2 levels of the relic to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (basic Reflex). You can’t use Searing Wave again for 1d4 rounds.   Raise Ramparts (Level 13): Activate [three-actions] command, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect Your relic reshapes the earth around you. You cast 5th-level wall of stone.   Ripples and Waves (Level 17): You become attuned to the ebb and flow of all things. You gain wavesense 60 as a precise sense and can cast 5th-level hydraulic push at will as an innate spell. Activate [two-actions] command, envision; Frequency once per day; Effect Ankle-deep water floods outward from you, filling a 60-foot emanation centered on you for 1 minute. Enemies within the area without a swim Speed treat the area as difficult terrain for movement on land. While the effect persists, you can have any water effects you generate originate from any point within the emanation, in addition to their normal range and area.


Forged by Gozreh, Storm's Edge was born of the fiercest storm that ever occured in Eromir many millenia ago. Though the champions that once wielded the weapon have been dead and forgotten, the bow's power has not waned during its slumber deep in the maze
Storm's Edge can change forms at will between a short bow and a spear. It cannot be imbued with any magic or runes, but follows the automatic bonus progression rules found in the Gamemaster's Guide instead.   Spear Profile: 1d6 Piercing (one hand)   Shortbow Profile: 1d6 Piercing (deadly d10)
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
1 Bulk
Passive: Storm's Edge does not use arrows for it's attacks; instead, the arrows are manifested when the player draws the bow. The arrow manifested will match the damage type of the element chosen at the time.


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