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Worm Bait!

Plot: Ogok and Daku, two younger goblins, over hear the party talking about how they are going to gather the supplies for Tua'fiki's request. Ogok tells the party that he and Daku are headed to the Bapti Crater which is filled with bones and will make the task easier for the party. If the party is skeptical, Daku will try his best to convince them that the worm is harmless and hasn't been seen for weeks. If the party joins the goblins, they will travel for 2 hours to the crater and descend into the crater. As they gather up supplies, the ground will begin to shake and the Great Worm will emerge. He is FAR too powerful for them to fight and he will always prioritize attacking the goblins first. If either of the goblins are hurt, it will delay the party by a 1 day as Tua'fiki tries to heal them. If either of the goblins die, then the journey will be delayed by 3 days for the goblins to mourn their death.   Objectives: It will take the party 1 hour to gather enough bones for Tua'fiki's request. Every ten minutes, a hidden check is made to see if the players have caught the attention of the Worm. the DC starts at 18, going down 3 for each 10 minute time span. After the first fail, the players will feel the rumbling of the worm and take a DC 15 check against athletics to getting knocked down. Any player who is knocked down takes (d4*party level) bludgeoning damage and takes a -1 to initiative when the worm appears. After the second failure, the worm appears and begins attacking the party. The party must escape, initiating a chase sequence with the worm. The party needs 3 average successes to get out. Each average failure will deal (1d10 * party level). The obstacles can be anything from loose gravel, piles of rocks, a pit of bones, or unstable ground. The party chooses which skills to overcome them and results are averaged out for the party. Anyone carrying a goblin reduces their success by 1 step.   Dialogue: "Hey there, heard you were lookin' for some bones! Well lucky you gitz, we know juuuuust the place to find em!"   "Oh don't you worry about that silly plodder. He ain't gonna be botherin' no one! Fact, me and Ogok was just there two days ago playin' round, and wouldn't you know it, nuffin!"   Timeline: It takes the party 2 hours to make it to the crater, and 1 hour to gather bones. Depending on the result, the players journey to the Labrynth can be delayed 1 to 3 days   Consequences: If the party escapes the worm with the goblins unscathed, they recieve extra monster parts that allow them to make energy resistant (cold) armor. Otherwise, the party gains the normal amount of rewards from "Winning Hearts" and the journey is delayed as noted above


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