
In the southern reaches of the vast desert known as the Drunken Dune, amidst the shimmering sands and blistering heat, lies the grand and ancient city of Aroborsa. The city's foundations were laid in the year 645, marking the beginning of its rich history and enduring legacy. Aroborsa stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the people of Cowenta. Constructed with a fusion of architectural styles, the city blends the grandeur of noble houses with the practicality demanded by the harsh desert environment. Its stone walls rise proudly, encircling the city and offering protection from the scorching winds and occasional sandstorms that sweep across the desert.   At the heart of Aroborsa, dominating the cityscape, stands Sunspear Castle, the seat of power for House Merkeiin. The Merkeiin family, known for their ancient lineage and distinguished nobility, have ruled over the city for generations. Sunspear Castle, a colossal tower adorned with intricate carvings and gleaming banners, serves as a symbol of their authority and military prowess.   The city's strategic location near the Vein River, a vital source of water in the arid region, has been instrumental in Aroborsa's survival and prosperity. The river's life-giving waters flow through the city, nourishing the people and enabling them to sustain agriculture, albeit on a modest scale. The Vein River also serves as a vital trade route, connecting Aroborsa to other settlements and cities across Cowenta.   Aroborsa thrives as a bustling hub of commerce and culture. Its streets are lined with vibrant markets, where merchants from distant lands barter their wares—exotic spices, shimmering silks, and precious gems. The city's bazaars are a melting pot of different cultures, where visitors and locals alike can indulge in the tantalizing flavors and aromatic delights of Cowentan cuisine.   The citizens of Aroborsa, known for their resilience and unwavering loyalty to House Merkeiin, possess a strong sense of community. The city's military traditions and martial prowess are deeply ingrained in its inhabitants, who have honed their skills to protect their home from marauding desert tribes and other threats that may emerge from the unforgiving wilderness.   Within the city walls, various districts cater to different needs. The bustling merchant quarter hums with activity, while the residential areas showcase elegant, sandstone buildings adorned with colorful murals depicting tales of Cowentan history and folklore. Towering minarets dot the skyline, offering breathtaking views of the desert expanse beyond.   As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon Aroborsa, the city comes alive with the enchanting melodies of musicians and the vibrant hues of swirling dances. The night markets offer a lively atmosphere, where storytellers weave tales of heroic deeds and mythical creatures, captivating audiences with their words.   Aroborsa, a city of grandeur and endurance, stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the people of Cowenta. Its noble houses, bustling markets, and proud military traditions converge to create a tapestry of history and culture. As it continues to thrive under the watchful gaze of House Merkeiin, Aroborsa remains a shining jewel in the heart of the desert, welcoming all who seek its warmth and allure.


The cities ethnicity is mostly made of humans, followed by elves and dwarfs which both have made up a significant proportion among the community compared to other regions.


The city is run like the other great cities, with a Lord/Lady regent that serves as a king or queen to the city only serving under the high king.


City Shops

Inns Tavern Wealth Range
Sandshelter yes 6.8
Old Bull Inn No 3.5

Tavern Wealth Range
The Sapphire 8
The Water Dragon 6.4

Possessions Type Wealth Range
Lancers Horses 7.2

Blacksmiths Armorer Enchanter Wealth Range
Coal Strikers & Hammer Co yes no 7.5

Magic Shop Custom Items Wealth Range
Abyss weaver No 6.9

Market Type Wealth Range
Silk and scissors Clothing 8
Supplies and Sustenance Food 4


Summer 39-50°c
Autumn 36-45°c
Winter 28-39°c
Spring 38-49°c
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Jewel of the Dunes
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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