

Being a port city, and multi cultural at principal, Dralehall sports a variety of different people, even with that the founding families of the breakaway Isles are Mostly all human. And the population follows. Most Races are human with theĀ  following being Half-elves and elves as the second and third most common race and rare ones at that.   For Religion however it is very mixed, with most of the great families, they bid their faith to Aurea god of the sea but only from historic customs of old times. Now you can find shrines of all the gods in Dral, even to the death god Niithes.


The city is governed by the ring table of house Grayrock. a unity of families that have governed the Breakaway Isles for hundreds of years.


The city is a wooden house maze with many houses that look as if they would fall apart with a light touch, yet this wooden house jungle has remained for years.



Inn Tavern included Wealth range
Brown Trout yes 4
Firestone hearth no 6.7
the Green Beyond yes 5.8
Tavern Wealth range
Ship over Gillig isle 7.2
the roundtable 8
Blacksmith Enchanter Armorer Wealth range
Sea Swell Forge yes yes 7.1
Rock & Anvil no yes 3.8
Magic Shop Custom items Wealth range
the three undead no 6
Possessions Type Wealth Range
Mistbreakers Ship 8
Dralwood Manor Realty 7.6
Aimon's Horses 5.2
Market Type Wealth range
Slophouse food 4
rainrock port trinkets 4.6


Dralenhall got its name from an actual hall or castle, the castle of Dral was a meetingpoint for the heads of all the different families that made up the breakaway isles. The castle was used after the families chose peace over war and decided to split the lands and islands around diplomatically in the year 642 AF. Ever since then the head families have held in alliance and met yearly in Dral to decide next years laws, shipping routes, and family alliances. With every year since the union meetings of Dral, the surrounding town got bigger and bigger as it was the center hub of all the towns of the breakaway isles. What was once the town of Dral has become the capital city in the region and one of the 10 great cities of Cowenta. Later in the establishing age (300-1200AF) the great familiesof the breakaway isles slowly started migrating to the city of cowenta and have since acted more as miniature parliament inside the bigger politics of Cowenta. All that makes the great house of Grayrock very unique. As it is a unification of families not a singular lineage. But just like the other great houses, house grayrock holds a place among the Kingslake council and decides its own fate, carries its own army and makes its own laws.


  • Dralenhall
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Large city


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