Ettin's Wit

Shop of a prior sandpriest, one of the cleric class in Aroborsa, moved to castigni for a new chance. Shop looks messy but everything's coordinated at least to the owner  
Dont understand having a magic shop in Castigni, ever see anyone go in?
Owner Eronin Castello Human
Name Rarity Attunement Purpose Price
Epistemological Greatsword Common Yes The bearer has advantage on investigation checks to see through illusions. bearer gains advantage on an Insight check to check if someone is lying 300g
Book of Coercion common No The bearer gains a +1 bonus to (Intimidation) checks if the target can see the book. 180g
Iconic Spyglass Common no The item is inscribed with holy symbols of Uesis. A cleric or paladin that serves that god may use this item as a divine focus. 30g
Amulet of the swift moon Common Yes +2 to Dexterity saving throws only if amulet is visible to the moonlight 120g
Expeditious Imp Skull Rare No Contains 4 uses of the Expeditious retreat spell (Spellcasting class not needed) 350g
Shop, Magic


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