Lightforge weapons

Lightforge are devout followers of the light, they forge weapons to repell demons and the undead. entrance is in a strange alleyway and the shop forms a small square. Clerics often make a pilgrimage to Lightforge to arm themselves.
Strange Cult clerics those blacksmiths are, but you'll want a lightforge sword if you ever run into a smitka.
Smith Brother Gillian
Smith Brother Ambrose
Smith Brother Uldren

  Weapons require following class: Cleric, Paladin, fighter
Weapons Type Enchantment Price
Blessed Mace Mace +3 against undead 90g
Blessed Sword Sword +3 against undead 90g
Blessed Rapier Rapier +3 against undead 90g
Oathbinder Mace 1 per day Use blessing of uesis to
bind undead and restrain them in
light (Con 16 save to break)
Shield of blinding Shield 1 per day as a reaction blind attacker
giving them disadvantage on melee attack
Glint-dagger dagger +1 to undead, dagger turns into light and returns
when thrown. can also be used as a light saurce
25ft bright light
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy


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