Omugi Tsanada

Omugi was born with arcane ability, especially in the school of illusion and divination. He was born of the Tsunada family, close allies to house Blackdragon in oraeva. His ability in magic did not interest him as much as the art of politics and philosophy. He became very well read and worked as an advisor to house blackdragon. He served them well and was famous for accepting King Valar the II proposal to join cowenta and making House blackdragon a great house.
That alone would be historical enough for one man but Omagi did not stop there. A offering arrived across the lands. The title of Kings voice was available and King Valar the II wanted to vet wise people all over cowenta to be a guide and a teacher to his son that would take up the crown one day. Omagi saw a great opportunity and took it, succeeded and became voice to the 38th High king.   Omugi experemented frequintly with Cable weaving. He now has three cable woven augmentations that are braided down from the back of his head. He uses this augmentation to link to his three thralls that help him with thinkning and calculating immensly faster than the smartest minds.   His bodyguard is Mikail Tsuzi, a hand picked fighter that started working for Omugi recently after an attempt on his life made him cautious.


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