The Blood Crystal Item in Eros | World Anvil

The Blood Crystal

3 times a day, player can draw blood from himself or others to activate this artifact(1d6+2 dmg). On activation the artifact provides a +2 to spellcasting (hit, saveĀ and checks) for 10 minutes.   after curse sets in the + modifier goes up to +4  

    The artifact is called the Blood Crystal. It is a small, crimson crystal, roughly the size of a grapefruit, that emanates a powerful aura of dark energy. It was created by the cult of the Blood God, and is said to be infused with the essence of that malevolent deity. The Blood Crystal has the power to amplify the magical abilities of its wielder, but at a terrible cost. In order to use its power, the wielder must first draw blood, either from themselves or from another living creature, and then use that blood to activate the crystal's magic.   When the Blood Crystal is activated, it unleashes a torrent of dark energy that empowers the wielder's spells and abilities, granting them tremendous power for a brief period of time. However, with each use of the crystal's power, the wielder's own blood becomes tainted with dark energy, slowly transforming them into a twisted and malevolent creature.   Over time, the wielder's body will become more and more corrupted by the crystal's power, until they become a monstrous being, consumed by their own bloodlust and thirst for power. Those who have fallen under the sway of the Blood Crystal are said to be nearly unstoppable, but they are also cursed to a life of darkness and madness, forever bound to the will of the Blood God.   The Blood Crystal is a rare and dangerous artifact, coveted by cultists and dark mages alike. Those who seek to possess its power must be prepared to pay a terrible price, for the Blood Crystal is a cursed object, steeped in blood and darkness.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Size of an apple


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