
Trailmakers is the go to inn for the travelers of Castigni. a nice bed and a good drink.   
Always liked the Bards at the Trailmaker inn
Owner Mohamed Fraile Human
innkeep Berta mollinier half-elf
tavern tomas martín human
Room Price
1 2g
3 2g
4 2g
12 5g
18 5g
Food Type Price
Bolognese  Pasta 3s
Vegetable stew stew 2s
sungrilled spear Meat & Veg 2s
Drink Type Price
Honeybroth Mead 1s
Redrop Red Wine 1s
Sky Simmer vodka 1s
NPC Room Space for
tavern 2
Quest Board Quests
Lobby 3


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