Volnir of Marramedia Character in Errat | World Anvil
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Volnir of Marramedia


Human; Wild magic Sorcerer

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The onset of a particular journey.

Off we went to Suth-on-Spoke after resolving the Hempholm infestation. After a week of travel we arrived and went to the inn, got ourselves a pint and went off into the Delve, where apparently most people start out with their adventuring. We fought goblins, and stumbled upon what looked like a bugbear.. After resolving that issue we continued. But as we went on, it seemed like not many people had been there before.   We traveled deeper into the delve. Battle overcame us again. We fought harder than initially imagined, and i fell. I felt the spiders crawl over me, entering my insides, and biting all over. I fell. And like i had awoken from a day's sleep, i stood up again... But shorter? My clothes seemed too large and my stuff had seemingly grown. I sounded different, and i looked it as well. This magic surge that happens time after time, must be my untrained flame. But this time i think it actually saved me from certain death..We finished the spiders and the big one at the end, and i took upon myself a strange staff and hat. I don't know what they are, but i'll investigate its means in the morrow.   I must train harder, to awaken the greater flame somehow. But i fear it might become too difficult with my current new form.   May the spirit of Ignatios guide us.