Dela'mer Geographic Location in Ersthen'waille | World Anvil
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Southern Mediterranean region of Etante. Previously one of four separate kingdoms.


The province has a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters.


Most of what is now known as Dela'mer was under the ocean until The Downfall shifted the world's coastlines. This makes the province roughly fifty years younger than a large amount of the country. Citizens from the city of Marles, in southern Tilleul, were the first to explore the newly uncovered landscape that would become the kingdom of Dela'mer, named after the mountain range that used to serve as the coastline.


Due to its mild climate and proximity to the ocean, Dela'mer is a very popular travel destination. The eastern region is a little less appealing though, due to its proximity to the Prossimon border. Most people prefer to stay on the western side of the sun river.

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