Information and Infiltration Report in Ersthen'waille | World Anvil
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Information and Infiltration

General Summary

After an eventful night, the party returned to the Hearth and Shield for a night's rest with a plan to explore a potential lead early the next morning. While eating breakfast, the town crier delivered a report on a burgled local shop and "vicious vegetables" at large. Feelings amongst the party on the loss of said "vicious vegetable" were mixed to say the least. Dani arrived as promised and, after retrieving Mehen from his lodgings, the party set off for The Queen's Promise.        The party arrived at the garrison just in time to witness a duel between the best swordsfolk in The Promise. They also met Hugo Edmund, a pleasant man who had no objection to answering any questions they had about what was going on. As the duel ended, Captain Gavriel appeared and ordered everyone to get back to work. She then beckoned the party up to her office to talk. Just as Dani had promised, the captain had some knowledge of the Loravys murder twenty years prior. While not involved directly, Captain Gavriel was able to provide the party with the general location of the Loravys Chateu and she explained that it had become mysteriously hard to find after the murders.       With some answers and even more questions then they'd had when they arrived, the party thanked Captain Gavriel for her time and left to plot their next move. Hugo suggested the party talk to his parents. Shopkeepers who had an interest in the unusual and were absolutely not former spies. After finding their shop in the artisan's district, Kisumu told Sara and Hugo Edmond her story, Sparrow searched for something shiny for Chully, and Ragoth proved why he was not the negotiator of the party. Though their persuasion checks were less than ideal, the couple gave them some "hypothetical" information about where to find the thieves' guild and how one might go about gaining access.        In the Obvious Goblet, a small, unassuming taphouse in the maze district, Kisumu disguised herself as a human bard looking for work. The barkeep agreed to let her play for tips while Ragoth, Sparrow, and Mehen posed as customers. Thanks to a miraculously timed natural 20, Ragoth overheard a patron giving the barkeep the password into the thieves' guild. Oddly enough, the password was identical to the one the Edmund's had given as an example of what a password could be. Ragoth triumphantly made his way to down the underground staircase into a massive cavern that housed the thieves' guild. Kisumu, Sparrow, and Mehen gained entry as well and followed him with some very unfortunate stealth rolls.        Four rogues sat around a small table playing cards while apart from them, half-orc man looked out over the room. Ragoth and Kisumu tried their hand at gambling, with mixed results and ultimately lost much more coin than they gained. As they played, Mehen noticed a familiar looking torn journal that one of the rogues was using to record his bets. After a couple of rounds, the half-orc man called for them to state their real reason for being in the guild. Apparently, Kisumu, Sparrow, and Mehen hadn't been as inconspicuous as they'd thought in their interactions with the barkeep.        Yet again, the party explained their mission to find a thief who had accessed the mysterious Loravys chateau. The head rogue's demeanour immediately changed from calm to annoyed as he realized who they were talking about. Apparently, the thief was his brother-in-law, who he wasn't allowed to kill no matter how many times the man broke the guild's rules. It did not take much effort to get said brother-in-law's name. Orotur Ertix. The head rogue even told them where his lodgings were, hinting that he wouldn't be ungrateful if something unfortunate happened to Orotur during their quest. As they went to leave, Mehen insisted that the journal he'd seen earlier had to be the missing half of the family journal that had provided them with their clearest clues so far. Ragoth swiftly marched over the the gambling rogue, asked how much he wanted for the book, paid the ridiculous price given, and presented a very grateful Mehen with the torn book.        Finally armed with a name and a location, the party set off for their next destination.

Rewards Granted

Half of an old journal.

Missions/Quests Completed

Discovered general location where the Loravys chateau should be.

Character(s) interacted with

Daniela Alverio, Mehen Loravys, Hugo Edmond, Captain Dina Gavriel, Edgar Edmund, Sara Edmund, and Cedric Cleves.
Report Date
08 Mar 2023
Primary Location

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