No Pain, No Grain Report in Ersthen'waille | World Anvil
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No Pain, No Grain

General Summary

While making a detour to the market at Mehen's request, the party briefly reunited with Kuzenbo (albeit, in rat form). Apparently, the negotiations with the local rats had hit an impasse and he needed the assistance of another person who could speak with animals. Sparrow agreed to go help, but not before leaving Chully in the care of Kisumu and Ragoth. So as to avoid any potential incidents between the rodents and the baby dragon. Chully made himself at home on top of Ragoth's head, sticking out his wings as the half-giant strolled around the market.   As they waited for Mehen to finish his errand, Ragoth spotted a familiar figure in the crowd. A goblin named either Jim or Bob (Ragoth couldn't remember which), a friend of his brother's. After some intimidation rolls with a very low DC, Jim or Bob agreed to set up a meeting between Ragoth and his brother. All Ragoth had to do was meet him at The Construct's Hand at the fifth bell.   With that settled, the party were able to get back to their original goal. Finding Orotur Ertix.   On their way through the city, they're stopped by the sight of a baker fleeing her bakery, shouting for everyone to get away. Shortly after her warning, the doors and windows burst out with masses of roiling dough pouring out into the street. As the baker admitted to messing about with some wizard's potions, the dough began to move and rise, forming a giant mountain of seemingly alive flour. Civilians fled as the party lept into action. Ragoth quickly realized that slicing the creature only caused it to break off into more creatures. Unfortunately, Kisumu's lightening breath appeared to do the same. Using a combination of their fists, fire, and Chully's magic, they eventually reduced the dough monster to nothing. The value of Mehen's contributions were debatable.   As thanks for saving everyone from her mistake, the baker agreed to Ragoth's request (demand) that she enter into business with Kuzenbo when he returned.

Missions/Quests Completed

Set a meeting with Ragoth's brother and defeated a dough monster.

Character(s) interacted with

Jim(?) Bob (?) and unnamed local baker.
Report Date
19 Apr 2023
Primary Location
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