Oh, Rats Report in Ersthen'waille | World Anvil
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Oh, Rats

General Summary

While the rest of the party were dealing with runaway flour, Kuzenbo and Sparrow continued their negotiations with a bothersome group of rats. After much talking and no results, the two noticed that the rest of the rats seemed to be differing to one specific rat in the corner. Not only that, but they seemed to be afraid as well. Trying to engage with the lead rat resulted in the rat stepping forward, morphing into a bipedal rat hybrid, who told them firmly that "no one is leaving." Sparrow quickly used a sending stone to let the rest of the party know that their assistance would be appreciated.   The message quickly reached Kisumu and Mehen. Ragoth, shaken by the realization that he was finally going to see his brother again, had left to gather his thoughts. The Loravys cousins hurried to the rat infested shop. Mehen was made to wait outside while Kisumu entered the basement.   Their new ratty foe magically forced clumps of normal rats to trip up the party and hold them in place as he hurled fire balls at them. Kuzenbo called down a beam of moonlight, hindering the antagonistic rat hybrid from morphing into a larger, much more terrifying form. Finally, Kisumu sent their foe to the ground, nearly cleaving his head off with her greatsword.   As the rat wizard lay dying, he studied Kuzenbo carefully and began to laugh with glee. "This isn't even my doing. I'm just giving it a nudge along," he declared cryptically. With one last blow, Kisumu separated the rat's head from its body.   The hoard of rats squeaked their gratitude and fled the shop in one big mass of fur and tails. The shop owner who had hired Kuzenbo to deal with the problem in the first place wasn't really sure what to do after that.   Following a hint that Mehen had found in the old diary, the party then went to the Lily and Bulb, a plant shop that Kruncer Loravys had apparently frequented. In between telling Kuzenbo and Sparrow to stop touching the plants, the elderly shop owner relaid what he remembered about his old friend Kruncer. Apparently Kisumu and Mehen's great uncle had a fascination with corpse flowers. Though it was unlikely that he'd actually managed to get his hands on a sample locally.   As the party left the plant shop, Kuzenbo felt the familiar feeling of wild shape coming over him, along with a new sickly feeling. Without meaning to and completely against his will, he found himself in the shape of a rat again.

Character(s) interacted with

Plant shop owner.
Report Date
30 Apr 2023
Primary Location
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