The Four Lands in Ersthen'waille | World Anvil
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The Four Lands

In the past, the title of "The Four Lands" has been used to refer to the known quadrants of Ersthen'waille. Some historians see this as an over simplification of the world as several of these designated "lands" feature multiple unique nations.   Imagine a compass sits in the centre of the four quadrants, and The Four Lands are split up as follows:   To the North-West is a large landmass known as Ratheudan. So far, Ratheudan has managed to remain one giant nation, largely due to its extreme population of dangerous monsters and other wild threats, making it a rather unappealing place to conquer or even travel to. The majority of the north has been taken over by cults that have sprung up around various legendary monsters in the area. Over the years, several inhabitants of Ratheudan have made a new home for themselves on a nearby island, which they call Haven. Thanks to this move, Ratheudan continues to have a thriving trade relationship with its neighbours.   In the North-East is the continent of Kerborne. There are three distinct nations on this continent. The arctic region of Uflil, the once divided kingdom of Etante, and the ambitious kingdom of Prossimo. Prossimo has attempted several times to expand itself into an empire, but so far its neighbours have held strong in their independence.   Connected to Kerborne by a bridge of islands, the South-East is home to the Tokima archepelego and the continental landmass containing the countries of Xitia, Sarili, and Pahkota. At one time the Xitian dynasty controlled the entire continent, having crossed the central mountain border to colonize the people of Pahkota. When a conflict led to Xitian rebels splitting off from the main government into their own small country called Sarili, the people of Pahkota joined with them to create the South-East Alliance. The Alliance eventually forced Xitia out of most of what was originally Pahkota and the continent became three separate countries.   The finale South-Westerly quadrant mainly consists of the Mubrijan continent and a few other small island countries. Mubrijan is split into the republics of Nesnaeya and Neswait. Many scholars claim that the best universities of magic are located in Neswait, making it a common dream destination for students of the arcane from other countries. A third section of the continent remains mainly uninhabited and is known as The Wasteland. This desolate region has the fortunate side effect of creating a strong barrier against any invaders from the east.

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