Ersthen'waille History of Ersthen'waille Timeline
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History of Ersthen'waille

  • 100 BT

    The Downfall

    When the second moon of Ersthen'waille fell from the sky, it is said that the Gods intervened to gather up all of the fragments before civilization could be destroyed. Selune then took those fragments used them to form a ring around Ersthen'waille.

  • 63 BT

    59 BT

    The Tilleul Civil War
    Military: War

    A war of succession between niece and uncle, following the unexpected death of King Maxime Courbet.

  • 46 BT

    38 BT

    The Prossimon Wars
    Military: War

    Prossimo's attempted invasion of Arth'cean, Tilleul, Lille, and Dela'mar, the four regional kingdoms of Etante.

  • 39 BT

    The Unification of Etante

    Originally four seperate regional kingdoms, Etante united under one leader in response to the attempted invasion by the neighbouring country of Prossimo.

  • 0 BT

    Geological / environmental event

    When the second moon of Ersthen'waille was lost in The Downfall, it took decades for the waters of the world to settle. Coastlines shifted at least sixty miles, revealing new land that had previously sat below the water line.