Ersthen'waille The Campaign Timeline
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The Campaign

  • 496 TE

    10 Bail

    Market Day
    Gathering / Conference

  • 496 TE

    21 Bail
    496 TE

    22 Bail

    Summer Solstice
    Cultural event

  • 496 TE

    25 Bail

    "Ingredients for a New Experiment"
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 496 TE

    26 Bail

    The Party visits Bois de Ville

  • 496 TE

    27 Bail

    "The Lutin's Puzzle"
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 496 TE

    28 Bail

    The Treacherous Trials
    Sporting Event / Competition

  • 496 TE

    29 Bail

    The Party Defeats Ghost
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 496 TE

    30 Bail

    New Moon

  • 496 TE

    2 De'ette

    The Party Attempts to Catch the Potatoes
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 496 TE

    8 De'ette

    First Quarter

  • 496 TE

    10 De'ette

    Market Day
    Gathering / Conference

  • 496 TE

    12 De'ette

    Dinner with The Order of the Unknown
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 496 TE

    16 De'ette

    Full Moon

  • 496 TE

    22 De'ette

    Took Down The Order of the Unknown
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 496 TE

    23 De'ette

    Third Quarter

  • 496 TE

    26 De'ette

    Party Arrives in Dubrea

  • 496 TE

    30 De'ette

    New Moon

  • 496 TE

    2 Scurail

    Party Arrives in Mousselt

  • 496 TE

    4 Scurail

    Party Won Third Place in Song Battle at the Theatre of Milil
    Sporting Event / Competition

  • 496 TE

    10 Scurail

    Party Arrives in Ennisney

  • 496 TE

    11 Scurail

    Mind Flayer Cleanup
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • 496 TE

    19 Scurail
    496 TE

    2 Foyail

    Kuzenbo Away

  • 496 TE

    2 De'ace

    High Prayers of Harvest
    Religious event

  • 496 TE

    21 De'ace
    496 TE

    22 De'ace

    Autumnal Equinox
    Cultural event

  • 496 TE

    7 Foyail

    Party Arrives in Dilly

  • 496 TE

    21 Ventail
    496 TE

    22 Ventail

    Winter Solstice
    Cultural event

  • 496 TE

    21 Chevail

    Religious event

  • 496 TE

    21 Chevail
    496 TE

    22 Chevail

    Spring Equinox
    Cultural event