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Dorica Bridge Guard

The Dorica Bridge Guard are a portion of the Dorica City Watch dedicated to mainaining  and patroling the numerous bridges in the city. Normal day to day duties involve collecting duties on and maintaining the bridge they're assigned to. Should the city ever be besieged and the walls breached, the Bridge Guard is responsible for holding the bridge for as long as possible to allow friendly forces to rally or untill the bridge can be destroyed Traditionally the Bridge Guard is not ddeployed outside of the city, thought they have in the past



The Bridge Guard maintains nine companies of 60 men each (one for each bridge in the city), with an aditional training company which acts as a reserve for the other nine for a total of 600 men.


The Bridge Gaurd does not require its men to wear a standard uniform however it does set a minimum for equipment quality. Each man is issued a gambeson, and a broad circular helmet as well as brown tabard bearing the City's seal and a marking noting the company, and there for the bridge, of the man. Most of the men buy simple chainmail hauberks to supplement their issued equipment.


The Bridge guard fights primarily with long pikes, though each man is issued a short sword for when an enemy gets too close for their pikes or for regular guard work.


Each company is divided into three platoons of twenty soldiers commanded by a ranking seargents, these platoons operate in shifts to maintain a constant guard on the bridges. The company is commanded by a captain, and the whole of the regiment is commanded by the Bridge Captain, who is in command of the entire regiment.


The Bridge Guard forms deep formations of pikes with which they can hold the bridges while allies support them with bows and javelins, or can steadily advance to push an enemy back. In the rare instances when they are deployed in the field, they are usually used to create a dense forest of pikes guarding the center of the Valen army.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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