The Fēritail Chronicle
The Fēritail Chronicle is an ongoing serial fiction set in the rich and immersive world of the Annals of Erthas, specifically in the land of Fēritai. This narrative delves into the lives of the Bakurō siblings, Rōshi and Yuka, who find themselves at the intersection of the ordinary and the extraordinary. As they navigate the challenges of their everyday lives, they are simultaneously drawn into a series of supernatural and world-altering events that threaten not only their way of life but the very fabric of their existence. The story explores the resilience and growth of the siblings as they confront both the mundane dangers that threaten their homeland and the mysterious, otherworldly forces that loom on the horizon. With each installment, readers are taken deeper into a tale of intrigue, magic, and the enduring bond of family in a world where the line between the natural and the supernatural is constantly blurred.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
2023 CE