
The Archmage is the leader of the Order of Mages. He is advised and supported by a council consisting of Grand Mages. His task is to organize the Order of Mages and the training of novices and to ensure that the mages abide by the laws.


A future archmage must have always obeyed the law. He must be a capable fighter and good strategist and enjoy a good reputation among the mages. Another important detail is the appointment as High Mage or Grand Mage. In most cases, an Archmage is chosen from among the Grand Mages. Only particularly capable High Mages are allowed to stand for election.


Any mage who has the rank of Grand Mage or High Mage and is respected by the other mages can be chosen.


After the death of an archmage, the council meets and the individual members discuss which of them is willing to stand for election. At the same time, they discuss whether a high mage has the necessary qualifications. If so, the mage is asked whether he would be willing to stand for election.
There is then a break of several days so that the Grand Mages can think about the possible candidates. At the next meeting there is a first secret ballot and the two candidates with the most votes go into a run-off. Whoever has the most votes after the second election becomes the new Archmage after taking an oath.


As the leader of the mages, the Archmage is responsible for the organization of the order and the safety of the people.
  • He organizes the training of the novices and monitors their development.
  • He sits on the king's council and advises him.
  • He takes care of the organization of the orders and selects appropriate groups for them.
  • He takes care of the organization of the order and its members.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

It is very rare for an archmage to be dismissed from office. For this to happen, he must have committed a serious offense. This includes collaborating with the enemy or deliberately sending mages and novices to their deaths.
If an archmage is accused of a crime, high-ranking and respected mages carry out an investigation. If the accusations prove to be true, the council decides to remove the archmage from office and hold new elections.
Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Archmage, Master
Length of Term
for a lifetime


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