Bat tooth necklace Item in Esarios | World Anvil

Bat tooth necklace


As the name suggests, the bat tooth necklace is made from a bat's tooth. However, only tooth of a gray bat are used for the necklace, as they are the only ones of the required size. The tooth is no larger than 2 cm and a leather strap is usually pulled through a hole drilled in the widest part of the tooth and worn around the neck.

Effects and use

Bat teeth are said to bring good luck. They are usually bought by unlucky people in the belief that they counteract bad luck and even bring them good luck.

Where they are found

The teeth used are the two largest teeth of a gray bat. These are taken from hunted bats and sold for good money.
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good
very rare
maximum 2 cm
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
tooth of a gray bat
serves as a lucky charm


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