Blood houses

Purpose / Function

The blood houses were a meeting place for humans, moroi and strigoi. It was a tavern that provided both races with food. There were cooks and barmaids who provided the people with food and drink. Other men and women worked as donors in the tavern to supply the moroi and strigoi with blood. For the donors, the blood houses were the safest place to work, as their safety was paramount.
The rule was that no one could be touched or bitten against their will. There were moroi in every blood house who ensured that the rules were observed and threw out anyone who did not follow the rules. If a moroi or strigoi broke the rules badly and behaved violently towards a donor, for example, he was taken directly to the prince in charge, who usually punished the perpetrator severely.
As it was generally known that the rules were strictly enforced, incidents in the blood houses were rare. Most of the time, the atmosphere was relaxed and the people, Moroi and Strigoi chatted, played dice games together or, in larger blood houses, listened to the music and, if there was a party, danced together.
Blood houses were generally regarded as places where origin and ethnicity were irrelevant and where contacts could sometimes even be made between the different peoples.


The buildings were mostly made of stone and to a lesser extent of wood and all had a similar structure.
Each building had a cellar, which was divided into two parts. The first part was a normal storage room, while the second was an emergency storage room. It was used to store long-life food and drink in the event of a crisis.
The ground Floor was divided into several areas. There was the main area, where there were many tables with chairs and a bar. This was where guests met to eat, drink, talk and play games. In a second room, there were separate areas where the strigoi and moroi could retreat with their donor.
On the first floor there were beautifully furnished guest rooms for poorer and richer guests.


The first blood houses came into being with the law that people could only be bitten with their permission and no longer just like that on the street. This meant that there were no longer any food options and the blood banks were supposed to replace them. At first, everyone was skeptical as to whether there would be enough voluntary donors, but the concept of the blood houses worked.


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