Blood plague

It is said that the first affected blood mage experimented with plants and blood to enhance his abilities and instead of success, the blood plague was born. As there was a conflict between mages at the time and the use of blood magic was common, the plague quickly spread throughout Iloa and led to many deaths as the method of treatment had yet to be researched.
The outbreak made the use of blood magic less common and after further outbreaks, which caused fewer deaths but spread throughout the land again, almost no mages used blood magic anymore.

The blood plague is transmitted through contact with blood and just one drop is enough. The disease can be divided into three stages.

The initial phase lasts 1-2 weeks, depending on the constitution of the person affected.
During this phase, the patient develops a slight fever, starts to feel cold and has slight aching limbs.

The middle phase lasts up to 1 week.
During this phase, the patient unfortunately suffers from thinned blood, which leads to increased bruising and even minor injuries such as scratches bleed heavily and need to be treated professionally. By the end of the week, the patient is coughing up blood and has pain throughout the body.

The final phase only lasts a few days.
In this phase, almost the entire body of the patient is covered in bruises. He suffers from severe pain, which also means that he can no longer eat. He also coughs and spits up blood, which leads to death from blood loss.


In the first phase, the blood plague is still easily treatable. One healer who is familiar with diseases and can fight the blood plague with magic and herbs is sufficient.
The second phase requires several experienced healers, as they not only have to fight the disease, but also heal the organs that are already affected.
The last phase ends fatally in most cases. Only very few can be saved by the healers, and only if there are enough healers available.


If it is known that the blood plague has broken out, contact with blood should be avoided. Anyone who does come into contact with it should isolate themselves immediately and seek out a healer at the first sign of the disease. The use of blood magic is forbidden during this time and anyone who uses it anyway will be imprisoned for the remainder of the plague.
Extremely Rare


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