Blood rush


Blood rush only affects vampires and can occur under different conditions. It usually occurs when a vampire is very thirsty and can no longer control their blood rush. If a weak-willed vampire is nearby, the blood rush can also spread to them.
In rare cases, a vampire gets into a blood rush because it has been very badly injured and a bleeding human is nearby or because it deliberately no longer wants to suppress its thirst for blood.


A vampire addicted to blood rush rages without consideration. It attacks and tears apart any human in its vicinity while drinking its blood. The affected vampires lack a sense of satiety and the chaos that ensues when humans try to flee, their screams and the smell of blood incite them even more. Vampires in a blood rush can destroy entire villages.
It is even worse when a Nosferatu gets into a blood rush. Any bitten person who is still even remotely alive will also become a Nosferatu and in their first blood thirst will attack the humans. This can quickly escalate into an epidemic that devastates entire regions.


There is no real treatment for blood rush. A few vampires regain consciousness with the help of a suitably powerful vampire when they are in the early stages of the blood rush, but most vampires can only be stopped by their death.
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