
Entira is a fortified city located in a cave in the Radhan Mountains. Every strigoi knows the location of the city and how to get there, while only a select few humans are aware of Entira's existence. There are only a few paths leading to the city and these are difficult for the humans to navigate, while the strigoi are fine with them.


As Entira is a protected refuge of the strigoi, there are few members of other races who know the location of the city. Only select humans, most of whom are donors, know of the city. The city is so important to the strigoi because they raise their children there until they are old enough to defend themselves. At the same time, it is a refuge for seriously injured strigoi, where they can recover in peace.
Because of this characteristic, most of the strigoi who live there are those who prefer seclusion and young families. As the families are only ever in Entira temporarily, the population is normally stable. However, if there is unrest between the peoples somewhere in Iloa, the city serves as a refuge for all strigoi.


There is no real government in the city. The various princes are jointly responsible for Entira and the rule is that all disputes between the princes are to be conducted outside the city area. The city is neutral towards the principalities and in the absence of the princes, a council chosen by them looks after the needs and protection of Etira.


The town has natural protection due to its location in the mountains, but it is still surrounded by a high stone wall. There is only one entrance to Entira and this is flanked by two towers that are permanently manned. On each side of the entrance there is an armory, which together contain enough weapons to arm half the city.


There are several districts in Entira. The first district, closest to the cave exit, is home to warriors and all strigoi who are prepared to fight for the city in an emergency. The second and third districts are both half in the middle of Entira. The second district is intended for families and the third district for the strigoi who live in seclusion. In the middle, where the two districts meet, there is a large marketplace with all kinds of goods.
The fourth district, which leads deep into the mountain, is intended for unexpected visits and emergencies. There are many simple, empty houses in which the strigoi who come to the city unplanned and only stay for a short time or until they get an apartment in one of the other districts move in. The fourth district is also large enough to accommodate large numbers of strigoi in emergencies.


Entira was founded shortly after the arrival of the strigoi in Iloa. At that time they were met with hatred and fear, which is why they were afraid that people would attack the weakest of them, namely children and the injured. Therefore, they looked for a safe place and since their home was a cave system, they chose the mountain region. There they found a large cave, which they gradually expanded and turned into a town.
For a long time, Entira was only used by the families, until the upheaval came. During this time, the value of the city became apparent for the first time. Those who survived the overthrow found refuge there and were able to recover from the attack. Despite the population explosion, there were no problems in the city due to the good preparation and the peaceful coexistence of so many strigoi in a confined space worked.


As the strigoi were excellent at working with stone, they also used this knowledge to build Entira. All the buildings are made of stone and have magnificent decorations. Zurin provide sufficient light and even simple farmland was created. Overall, the city is darker than a city under the open sky, but people can still live there without any problems.


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