Future Heart

The charity organization Future Heart covers the whole of Iloa. Its orphanages are known for taking in every child, regardless of their background, and raising them to become polite and hardworking adults. Only in rare cases does a child released from the orphanage end up on the street or slip into illegal activities.

Daily routine

The children who are taken in by Future Heart learn to read and write, as well as cooking and craftsmanship. The resulting works of wood and fabric are sold to earn some money for the orphanage.
The younger children spend a lot of time playing. Depending on their age, they have to help with the housework for a certain amount of time each day before playing. The older children, on the other hand, look for a job as an apprentice in a trade they like. This is the first step towards their future, as it enables them to pursue a profession after leaving the orphanage.


Future Heart reports directly to the King and his advisors. Together with other Strigoi, they support the organization financially and with construction companies. Together with the chairman, they decide where further orphanages need to be built or existing ones expanded.
The chairman is always one of the directors of the orphanages and is elected by everyone.
The department heads are under him. These include, for example, the heads of the kitchen and the school.
Below the department heads are the employees. They look after the children in all areas and often become a substitute for parents.

Public Agenda

It is important to the organization's staff to emphasize that every life is important, regardless of its origin, and that much more can be achieved by working together than alone.


Future Heart is a charity organization that was founded by the first Strigoi King Kyron after a war. Children have always been important to him and many other Strigoi, and since many children lost their parents in the war, they wanted to help them. The people were still afraid of the Strigoi and feared that their help would not be accepted.
For this reason, and because the king could not help personally, he and a group of Strigoi founded Future Heart. They managed to convince some people of their project and together they built orphanages in various cities.
In order to prevent prejudice against the orphanages, all positions and also the management were handed over to humans. Before that, the Strigo and the humans worked together to draw up rules on how the leaders should treat the children and what they should learn.
In the early days, the Strigoi still supported the leaders, but as soon as it became clear that they could manage on their own, they withdrew from the management of the orphanages. Now the Strigoi make sure that there are enough donations for Future Heart and monitor the leaders to see whether they are fulfilling their task. From time to time, they also pay a visit to the orphanages to personally check whether all the rules are being adhered to and what is happening with the donations.

Every life is valuable.

Activist, Charity


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