
Hospitals can be found all over Esarios. They are places where members of all races can get help if they are ill or injured. Some of the healers specialize in a single race and in some hospitals humans and vampires work side by side.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of hospitals is to ensure that everyone who needs help gets it. It does not matter where you come from. Those who are poor can pay the costs in installments, for example, or they can be supported by the hospital. To this end, there are always fundraising campaigns that are organized together with the Order of Light.
Almost all kinds of illnesses and injuries can be cured in the hospitals. In all hospitals, the healers are familiar with the simple and well-known poisons and there is always at least one healer per hospital who specializes in difficult poisons.


The first hospitals were built during the war. Suitable, empty buildings were used or tents were erected. Initially, they were mainly used to treat war injuries, but over time normal injuries and illnesses were also treated.
When the war was over, the temporary facilities were to be dismantled. However, during their first reconnaissance rounds, the vampires noticed the lack of medical care in most areas, which is why they decided, together with the archmage, to expand some of the temporary facilities. As a result, all areas were covered with hospitals so that medical care was also available to people in small villages.
Simple wooden buildings became ever larger and more complex, offering enough space to care for entire waves of disease and equipped with everything necessary. They have their own areas for operations and for storing herbs. These rooms can also be used to experiment with new potions. The largest hospitals even have their own area where the healers can live with their families.


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