
Basic Information


Kerill are vaguely reminiscent of a wolf. Two curved horns grow on their heads, which they can use to ram their opponents. They have four strong legs, with paws that have sharp claws with which they can kill effortlessly. With their long, powerful tail, Kirills can knock their opponents over and their entire body is made up of strong muscles.
These creatures are perfectly adapted to the rocky environment they originally come from. Thanks to their paws, they can move over uneven terrain without difficulty and also hunt down dangerous prey.

Ecology and Habitats

The natural habitat is the branched cave system of Andera. Several of them live there as a pack in a cave and sometimes they also hunt together. Due to their high dexterity, they use the rocks lying around for hunting.
Most packs look for a den that is close to a light source, as they do not like complete darkness. Most packs collect various luminous and soft plants with which they line their dens, bathing them in a dim light.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kerill are excellent hunters, which is why they also hunt larger prey. If the prey is particularly large and promising, they also hunt in groups. They then divide the prey among all members of the pack.
The various fruits that grow in the cave system are a special treat. They are particularly keen on sweet fruits. If they find a tree or bush that is currently bearing fruit, it can happen that the entire pack gathers underneath and enjoys the fruit.


There is a strict hierarchy in the packs, which is similar to that of a wolf pack. The alpha couple bears the main responsibility for the pack. Below them are the betas, who lead the various groups. The pack is divided into several groups and each group has a task to fulfill.
The guardians are responsible for the safety of the weaker pack members and the main den. Hunters are responsible for obtaining food. The prey is shared with all pack members. Then there are searchers, who explore the surroundings to discover new prey, fruit or enemies.
The weaker members, who are not suitable for any of the tasks, are responsible for keeping the dens clean. They remove old plants and replace them with new ones and help to care for the pups. The entire pack is then responsible for the upbringing.

Additional Information


Kerill cannot be tamed, but it is possible to form a kind of partnership with them. The strigoi in particular make use of this option, as kerill are stronger and faster mounts than horses. They can also be at their side in battle and protect themselves.
Kerill who live in such a partnership still need enough freedom and other kerill around them, with whom they can at least form a simplified pack. Only if the kerill agrees can it be ridden. Therefore, there is usually an agreement between the partners under which circumstances the kerill is willing to let the partner ride on it and when it wants to have its freedom and independence.
Kerill whose parents have such a partnership are more likely to enter into a partnership than wild kerill. Some kerill also grow up together with the children of the strigoi, which can also lead to a partnership, as they learn to trust the strigoi and a bond can already develop between a kerill and one of the children.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As the strigoi took their kerill with them when they moved to other countries, kerill can be found everywhere in Esarios. They prefer places with caves or dense forests.

Average Intelligence

They are more intelligent than many people think. Most kerill can communicate with other creatures using a thought language. The language consists of images and emotions. Humans and vampires who want to communicate with the Kerill must first learn this language, as it is unfamiliar and only a few learn it intuitively.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As the kerill's original habitat is the cave system of Andera, their hearing is very sensitive. They can perceive the smallest differences and can sometimes recognize what kind of creature is coming towards them by their footsteps. At the same time, their sense of smell is also more pronounced, which enables them to distinguish small nuances.
Kerill by Midjourney
60 years
Average Height
0.8 - 1.4 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All kerill have dark fur. It ranges from dark brown to various shades of gray to deep black.
Another important feature are the horns. They are the same color as the fur and both male and female kerill have them.


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