Mage fortress

The fortress stands in an open area near the capital of Iloa. It is the only fortress of the Order of Mages and a training ground for future mages. At the same time, it protects the mages and is a refuge for humans. Any human who has problems with the vampires can seek refuge in the fortress until the matter is resolved. Until then, the mages make sure that no vampire gets too close and can harm them.
In conflicts with the vampires, the fortress can also accommodate a large number of humans and protect them for a long time thanks to its magical shield and the large number of mages. There are various protective measures in place to prevent vampires from entering the fortress without permission and if one does manage to enter, it is quickly tracked down and captured by the mages.

Purpose / Function

The mage fortress was built so that mages have a safe place to live and learn. It is also a safe training ground for future mages. Later, it also became a refuge for people in conflict with vampires.


In the beginning, the fortress only consisted of a simple building with room for a small group of mages. As new members joined, the building was expanded and as the people were initially afraid of the mages, they built a wall around the building as a precaution. Over time, the building and the wall became a stable stone castle. During construction, care was also taken to ensure that the castle had enough space for future members.
After the castle was built, a small arena was constructed some distance away so that the mages could train without having to worry about causing damage to the surrounding area. The arena was also used for smaller competitions and the testing of adepts.
With the arrival of the Strigoi, another wall was built around the castle and it was further extended until it resembled more of a fortress than a simple castle.


The fortress is largely made of stone. There are four corner towers connected by thick walls. Next to the gatehouse are the stables and the living quarters for the servants. The sleeping area for the novices and adepts is adjacent to one wall, while the sleeping areas for the mages are on the other side.
The largest area adjoins the rear part of the wall. This is where the large hall, the dining room with the kitchen and the classrooms are located. Behind it is a large garden with a wide variety of flowers and trees that extends to the outer wall. This is where the magicians can retreat and relax.


There are two defense areas. The first is the outer stone wall, several meters high, with its high watchtowers. These provide a good overview of the surrounding area and offer plenty of opportunities to attack through various windows. Should this wall be breached, there is also the inner wall. This has a width of over two meters, which is why the mages can quickly take up their positions in the event of an attack.
Aurines are inserted at regular intervals at various points within the wall. If mages stand at these points, they can create a strong magical shield that covers the entire inner wall. With the help of the aurines, they can maintain the shield for several weeks. Outside of conflicts, the wall is surrounded by a weak magical shield that prevents individual vampires from entering.


The fortress was built by the first mages to provide a safe meeting place. Initially, the place was used by the mages to research their powers, but later it also had a protective function. The more mages joined the order, the more important the safety of the mages became to the head of the mages, the Archmage. When they began to train a larger number of students, the original building became a castle.
To allay people's fear of their abilities, they took on various protective tasks and hunted down serious criminals. From a few hesitant assignments at first, a system of assignments developed. Over time, the mages were accepted and when the Strigoi came to Iloa, their reputation grew even more. From then on, they became an integral part of society and were responsible for protecting the people. Precautionary measures were also taken to ensure that a larger number of people could find shelter in the fortress in the event of a conflict.


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