Mariad Shield

The mariad shield is only carried by experienced and elite warriors and is a symbol of courage and bravery, as there are not many warriors and soldiers other than elite warriors who would stand up to a mage. They have too much respect for their power for that. As there has not been a war against mages for a long time, they have even developed ways of working together so that they are even stronger when fighting together than alone.


The mariad shields were developed during a mage war. At that time, the normal warriors were looking for a way to stand up to the mages. They were already familiar with the Mariad Dagger at the time and wondered whether there was a way to make armor or shields from mariad steel. But that would have been too expensive. The idea was to make shields that every good warrior could afford.
Under these conditions, a group of blacksmiths got together and tried out various possibilities. Finally, they found a way to attach a thin mariad plate to normal round shields. It took several tests before they found the optimal thickness of the mariad plate, but once this was achieved, they were able to produce a large number of mariad plates. These were still a lot more expensive than normal round shields, but many times cheaper than shields made of pure mariad steel.During the war, they discovered another advantage of the new shields. Mages could not fight with them, as the proximity to the mariad steel weakened them. This reduced the risk of mages taking the shields from the battlefield, because as long as they held the shield in their hands, they were an easy target.
Item type
0.8 - 0.9m
Raw materials & Components
mariad steel, normal round shield


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