Night Flutter


The night flutterer is a giant bat that can transform into a beautiful woman. It is said that she flies over the land at night in search of disobedient children. If it discovers a child who is still outside despite the darkness, it is said to land some distance away and transform into a woman.
She approaches the child until it notices her, then she should lure the child to her with a friendly smile and charisma. She talks to the child until, after just a few words, it trusts her as if under a spell and then offers it her hand. Together they leave the area until they are out of sight of prying eyes, then the woman transforms back into her true form and flies away with the enchanted child. In her hiding place, she is supposed to suck every last drop of blood from the child and then throw its remains into a valley.

Historical Basis

The myth of the night flutterer arose sometime after the first encounter between humans and the strigoi. Exactly when and where the myth originated is no longer known. However, it is assumed that it arose from the fear of the strigoi and is intended to warn of the danger posed by the vampires.


The myth is particularly widespread among the rural population throughout Esarios. In the larger towns and in places where humans and vampires live together, people no longer believe in it. It is told to children to warn them of the dangers of the dark and to get them to stay indoors at night.

Variations & Mutation

In some areas, the night flutter comes to a village at nightfall in her beautiful female form. She attracts children who are still outside despite the darkness. The woman then sucks the child out on the spot and leaves it in the middle of the village before flying away in her bat form.

In other areas, the night flutter remains in her bat form and swoops down from the sky with lightning speed to catch the child and take it to her lair, where she sucks it out. She leaves the remains in a river, which carries them back to the village.


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