
Pandea is a small island located south of Iloa and in the Thanura Sea. It is regularly hit by storms and the associated storm surges. As the people consider Pandea to be a safe place, as it is protected from attack by the storms, they have managed to cope with the floods. As some rocks are only just below the surface of the water during the floods, only experienced or courageous captains dare to head for the island.


The island consists of an extinct volcano, around which there is fertile land. It is not particularly large and the land slopes gently into the sea between large rocks, which means that all but a few areas are at high risk of flooding. Most of the island's coastline is made up of dark stone and during flooding, only the surfaces of the largest rocks protrude from the water.


A wide variety of plants grow in the areas protected from water, and cereals and vegetables are also grown there. There are few land animals, but many birds. They use the floods for foraging, as they prefer fish. The more well-known bird species include eagles and falcons. Around the island there are various species of fish, as well as whales and dolphins.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the fall and winter months, floods are more frequent and stronger than in the other months. The floods can last for several days or even weeks. The storms also become stronger and more dangerous, as ice can mix in with the rain. The worst are the rare winter ice storms.

Localized Phenomena

The storms:
The storms that form over the Thanura Sea are considered some of the most violent storms and the winter storms in particular should be avoided. The storms can create waves so violent that even the largest ships are overturned by them. Few captains venture through the spring and summer storms and even fewer venture through a winter storm.

Storm surges:
Storm surges cause flooding far inland from Pandea. The coast then becomes a very dangerous place, as many of the rocks are then under water and many ships have torn their hulls open on them and then sunk. Others have run aground on the hills and if they could not free themselves during the high tide, it usually ended with the destruction of the ship.


The island's climate varies greatly. It can be relatively warm in summer, while winters are cold and icy winds blow across the island. These also ensure that the water level is generally higher in winter than in summer.

Fauna & Flora

For example, songbirds, sea eagles and falcons breed on the island. There are various species of fish around the island, as well as whales such as the blue whale and dolphins.
Various mosses, lichens and mushrooms grow and cereals and various vegetables can be grown on the safe areas.

Natural Resources

The sea contains many fish, which is why fishing is an important branch of trade. Otherwise, there are hardly any natural resources.


Originally, there was only a small fishing village on Pandea until a group of pirates arrived on the island after their ship was damaged in one of the infamous storms. They recognized the island's potential as a safe haven and from then on often docked on the island. Their booty brought new life to the economy and other pirates followed their example.
When it was confirmed that the island was in little danger from outside, the pirates appointed themselves protectors of the island and brought their families, who were endangered in other countries, to the island. The rapid growth meant that only simple houses were built and the first winter storm caused a flood that destroyed most of the newly built houses. Only the experience of the fishermen prevented fatalities among the new inhabitants, as they warned them in good time.
As a result, there were several discussions between the pirates and the original villagers as to whether and how the houses should be rebuilt and together they developed the concept of houses standing on stilts connected by walkways so that people could move between the houses at any time.
This concept proved successful and as a result the village grew into a town, attracting traders and other people. When the village was rebuilt, thought was also given to building a harbor where ships could anchor regardless of the water level, and as the town grew, more buildings were built on the water, so that there is even a completely floating district, connected to the rest of the town and the land only by walkways and ropes.
The island developed its own government and its own laws, which even the pirates abided by. Pandea became their home port and a transshipment point for their loot. As the pirates have a lot of experience on the sea, they were the only ones, apart from a few traders, who could sail to the island without any problems and who were not even bothered by the easier storms.
Alternative Name(s)
Pirate Island


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