Pirate cove

Pirate Bay is located in the west of Iloa, behind the mountain range and therefore well protected. Only a few people dare to cross the narrow mountain path. Many birds use the tranquillity of the bay to breed. For the pirates, the bay and especially the grotto connected to it is a place to camp and rest.


Pirate Bay is a semi-circular bay surrounded by a sandy beach on the shore. High mountains rise up behind the beach and the entrance to a grotto is hidden between high rocks. The inside of the grotto is dry and equipped with shelves. The only paths leading to the cove are a narrow, dangerous path through the mountains or the sea route.

Ecosystem Cycles

The changes of the seasons are hardly noticed in the bay. The only difference is the temperature and the wind, and the mountain path. In winter it is so full of snow that there is no way through. Then there is only the path across the sea.

Fauna & Flora

There are only a few shrubs that can survive in the dry earth between the beach and the mountains. As for animals, there are mainly birds that nest in the crevices and crabs that keep coming to the beach. Large schools of fish can be found in the lukewarm waters, which attract various whales.


Pirates originally used the bay to recover from raids, sort their booty and carry out repairs to their ships. Depending on the type of booty, some of it was stored in the grotto or sold to traders who dared to cross the mountain path. The few traders who were so brave hoped to make a considerable profit from the pirates' booty.
With the arrival of the strigoi, the use of the cave changed somewhat. At first, they forbade the pirates to trade and only allowed them into the bay to repair their ships. After an agreement was reached with the pirates and they settled on Pandea, they were allowed to use the cave again. It was once again used for storage and there are now traders who travel between the cities and the bay during the warmer months, trading with both the pirates and the principalities in Iloa.


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