Shadow Blades

The Shadow Blades are an elite unit of mages who protect humans from particularly dangerous vampires. These include vampires who have not adhered to the strictest rules or who have fallen into a bloodlust. In some cases, they also work together with the strigoi.
They also deal with serious crimes among humans and are responsible for the so-called truth reading. Anyone accused of a crime can request this and the mage performing the reading looks at the memories of the person concerned. The Blades are made up exclusively of the best mages and each individual member is excellent with magic and at least one type of weapon. A large number of the mages are also proficient in telepathy.



Each group consists of three fully trained mages. At least one of these is a master of telepathy. New members join a group for a certain period of time after their basic training. There is only ever one newcomer per group. Several groups can also work together on particularly dangerous missions.


After completing their training, each member of the Blades is given a black mage's robe. The robe consists of a long-sleeved tunic, a short-sleeved vest is worn over it, the trousers are made of cloth and they wear high boots. The mage's robe is worn over everything. Outside the Order of Mages, they also wear a hooded cloak and, depending on their preference, gloves. All items of clothing are black, the main color of the blades. Only the symbol of the order and light decorations are in a different color. However, this only stands out slightly against the black fabric.


Each mage is allowed to use his preferred weapon, so that besides magic, bows, swords and daggers are common. Some mages also prefer gleves and spears.


Only the best mages are selected for the blades, but places are coveted. In addition to their normal training, the selected mages must undergo further, more rigorous training. This strengthens their knowledge of magic and martial arts. Another important part is knowledge of the law and vampires. In addition, they learn how to deal with criminals and under what conditions only capture is permitted and when they are allowed to kill.



The development of adepts is monitored throughout their training. Those who have the potential to become a blade towards the end of their training undergo a trial training. Those who pass will be trained. Adepts who are not selected can try again later when they have gained more experience. Sometimes a mage is also recommended for a transfer if he has shown exceptional performance.
In rare cases and after careful deliberation, particularly gifted adepts are selected in the middle of their training. For these, training to become a Blade is even more difficult, as they have to complete their regular training at the same time.


After the founding of the Order of Mages, the mages took over the punishment of all criminals, but the worst of them often resulted in serious injuries and even deaths among the mages. To reduce the losses, the Shadow Blades were founded. At first, they were only better-trained mages, but when they were asked to take care of criminal vampires, the selection process became stricter. From then on, only the best were taken and care was taken to ensure that there was a telepath in each group, as they react more sensitively to their surroundings and therefore recognize danger more quickly than other mages.
Overall training Level


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Aug 19, 2024 01:05 by Marjorie Ariel

Sounds like a dangerous job. I'm curious about the laws surrounding vampires and what kind of abilities vampires have that make them more dangerous than others.