Shadow rot

The origin of shadow rot is unknown. The first sufferers were discovered a long time ago and as death is the only solution for those affected, shadow rot could not be researched in more detail. The disease mainly affects moroi and, in very rare cases, strigoi.
Affected moroi slowly lose their minds and turn into creatures that can only move slowly and wander aimlessly through the area. Only when they are hungry do they fixate on catching prey. Otherwise they are rather calm. However, if an affected moroi is attacked, it becomes a true monster. With unexpected strength, it tears apart any of its attackers, which is why normal humans are rarely able to kill it.

Transmission & Vectors

No one knows how those affected by the shade blight became infected. The only thing that is known is that all those infected are loners and the disease is not contagious. They avoid towns and villages as much as possible and even when eating they try to keep contact to a minimum. It is assumed that loneliness contributes to the onset of the disease.


Those affected begin to lose the will to do something or to live. It is a slow process, at the end of which the moroi also begin to change physically. Their skin takes on a grayish to black color and they lose their hair. Finally, they lose weight as they only consume the most necessary blood. This makes them look like living skeletons with skin.


An exact method of treatment is not known, which is why different countries have different ways of dealing with moroi suffering from shade blight. Only two things are the same in all countries. When the disease is in its early stages, attempts are made to integrate the affected moroi into a clan and to help them by talking to them. In most cases, the infected people regain their will and are thus able to push back the disease.
If the moroi have already reached the final stage of the disease, there is no cure, which is why all countries have a policy of killing such moroi. The point at which an infected person is no longer considered curable varies from country to country. Some even try to integrate the moroi into a clan when they have already changed their skin color but are not yet emaciated. In these cases, however, no successes are known.

Cultural Reception

Moroi affected by the early stages of the disease can turn to any clan for help. When the first dark spots appear on the skin, they are avoided by weaker moroi and humans. As soon as the discolorations become more extensive, the humans begin to hunt them. People are very afraid of the infected moroi as they are unpredictable and even attack children.Although the infected moroi rarely hunt, they suck every last drop of blood from their victims. For these reasons, other moroi or mages are immediately informed when an infected person is spotted.


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