
Starlings are poisonous mushrooms that grow deep in the woods on dead wood and leaves. Star mushrooms are slightly poisonous. Anyone who eats them raw in small quantities suffers from slight symptoms of paralysis, which disappear by themselves over time. If they are cooked very well, starlings become edible. They feel dry, almost dusty in the mouth and taste like nothing.
They are also used in medicine. If starlings are processed correctly and mixed with other herbs, they have a neutralizing effect on simple poisons and the spread of strong poisons is slowed down.

Basic Information


Starlings have a dark blue stem and an almost black cap with white dots. Their roots are widely branched and they grow in groups. If a stem is completely overgrown with starlings, it resembles a reflection of the cloudless night sky. This is where the mushroom gets its name from.

Biological Cycle

Adult mushrooms produce white spores throughout the summer, which they collect in their caps. In windy weather, their cap opens and the spores are scattered throughout the forest by the wind. As the mushrooms all release their spores at the same time, the event is reminiscent of snowfall.
The spores remain attached to the various trees and bushes, where they can survive for several months. When the tree or bush begins to die during this time, the spores begin to sprout roots. They accelerate the dying process through an active ingredient in their roots.
Until the following spring, they merely form a root network that helps them to survive the winter. As soon as it starts to get warmer, the cap and stem begin to grow. Depending on the climatic conditions, it takes one to two months until the starling is fully grown.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Due to its neutral taste and dry consistency, starlings are only used as an addition to dishes in times of food shortages. Otherwise, its use is reserved for healers.They dry the starlings and then grind them into a fine powder. The powder is then used to mix potions to help with poisoning. The use of starling powder for all kinds of poisoning can save lives, as it neutralizes or at least slows down the poison, depending on its type. This is why every healer carries a supply with them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Starlings grow throughout Esarios. Originally, they were only native to the dense, old forests of the continent, but through exports, they have also spread to younger forests and the island of Iloa.


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