The history of the Moroi

The war has been going on for several years now, but our experiments are still making slow progress. But with the last blood sample, we have succeeded. We were finally able to isolate the components that distinguish strigoi blood from human blood and transfer them to another vessel.
We succeeded in modifying the isolated components so that they can be combined with human blood. From this combination we were able to create a serum that enhances a human's abilities. Now we can test it on the volunteers who arrived a few days ago. Fortunately, the group of volunteers consists of people of all ages and genders.
A strong young man was the first to agree to test the serum. In an isolated and specially protected room, I tied his arms and legs to a table for his own protection, then administered the serum. Despite the potential danger, I stayed in the room so as not to miss any change in the man. At first nothing happened, then suddenly he began to pull at his restraints. A closer examination showed that he was in severe pain. In order not to falsify the experiment, I refrained from administering a painkiller.
The pain lasted almost a whole day, then he calmed down again as quickly as the pain had started. At first I was afraid that he hadn't survived the experiment, but when I carefully approached him, I saw his chest rise and fall at regular intervals. So he was still alive and only unconscious. I examined him as carefully as possible and what I found was fascinating.
The first thing I examined was his eyes. The irises were a dark red. Then I opened his mouth and discovered that his upper canine teeth had lengthened and become more pointed. I couldn't see any changes in the rest of his body. So the serum had done something. I waited anxiously for him to wake up. As his new appearance reminded me of the Strigoi, I got a bowl of blood to be on the safe side.
It didn't take long for him to wake up. He immediately struggled against his restraints, snarling, but when I approached with the bowl, he froze in his tracks. His eyes turned greedily to the bowl and his nostrils flared. He seemed to smell the blood. To test my suspicions, I stopped, causing him to tug at the restraints again and growl angrily. That was proof enough and so I gave him the blood to drink. He greedily emptied the bowl to the last drop, then calmed down, but he still behaved more like an animal than a human.
Over the next few days, I regularly gave him fresh blood and his human side slowly emerged again. Together with the other blood mages, we carried out various tests and it turned out that his reflexes had indeed improved. He was now faster and stronger than a human. Only his control over his thirst for blood was still problematic.
Several weeks have now passed since the experiment. The man now has his thirst under control and in a first fight he showed that he can take on a strigoi. The experiment was therefore a complete success. The other individuals to whom we administered the serum are also developing splendidly. At last we have a way to end this damned war. As the humans were too different from their normal state after being given the serum to be called humans, we decided to call them moroi.

Research report of a blood mage.

Today's findings

This document is considered to be the official history of the Moroi, but current and previous investigations have shown that the document is an embellished report. The truth is much more gruesome. The scientists discovered cells in the ruins that showed traces of escape attempts. In the few records that were still legible, they discovered terrible things. None of the test subjects had volunteered. Some of them were prisoners, but others had been abducted, and the blood samples from the strigoi were also taken by force. The experiments were not as successful as described, on the contrary. The first experiments ended with the horrific deaths of the test subjects and subsequent experiments also ended fatally.
This was a terrible truth behind the creation of the moroi and became a great secret. Only very few people know the truth, for the rest the story told by the document is considered true. This decision was made partly to avoid stirring up hatred among the moroi and partly so that the moroi could be proud of their ancestors. Nevertheless, the truth is recorded in secret documents so that the victims of the experiments are not forgotten.
Geschichte der Moroi by Midjourney
Record, Historical


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