The Strigoi from Cheria


Originally, the strigoi lived in Andhera like everyone else. However, their prince came into conflict with the other princes because he saw the humans as more than just slaves. He wanted to grant them more rights as he saw them as individuals in their own right and the princes were against this.
In the beginning there were only minor conflicts, but at some point it was decided in a meeting of the princes that the Prince of Cheria Kyron was no longer suitable for this position. He was given the choice of giving up his position voluntarily and leaving Andhera, or waging war over his territory.
As his followers were important to Kyron, he called them to a meeting and consulted with them on the outcome of the meeting. Since most of his followers are also against the slave system and a war would mean the death of most of the Strigoi from his territory, they decided to leave their homeland together, taking all the humans with them.
For a while, they wandered through the Andheras cave system and tried to find refuge in other areas, but none of the lords were willing to take them in as long as they were against the slave system. Since there was no other option, they left Andheras for Iloa.
At first, the people of Iloa were hostile towards the Strigoi, but Kyron was able to assure them that they only wanted to live in peace and would treat the people with respect. As a result, they left a less populated area to the Strigoi and placed them under surveillance. Kyron and his people built a new home, abolished the slave system and gradually earned the respect of the humans.


The strigoi from Cheria all have light, pale skin, a rather dark hair color and red eyes. The sclera is light red, the pupil dark red and the iris black. Irrespective of gender, their hair is very short, up to hip-length. Only the strigoi's area of use determines the hair length.


Strigoi can live to be around 800 years old. Their children are therefore only considered adults at the age of 75. Due to their longer life expectancy, pregnancy also lasts longer than with humans. The duration for the Strigoi is 18 months.

Gender roles

There are no specific gender roles among the Strigoi. Whether male or female, everyone has to take on the same tasks. The Strigoi pay more attention to talent and divide people according to this, which is why there are many women who are warriors and there are also men who take care of raising children.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The strigoi all have different first names and there are no surnames. They honor the traditions of their ancestors that no two living people should have the same first name, which is why a first name very rarely occurs twice. When first introduced to another region or country, the strigoi usually mention the region in which they live and important people give their corresponding title.
Two examples would be Devron from Varisia and Cieron, King of Iloa.


Major language groups and dialects

All Strigoi learn the common language, which is spoken on Iloa and the entire continent. It is the basis for making contact with other peoples, trading and much more.
Although most Strigoi on Iloa have no contact with the Strigoi living underground, many of them still learn the old language. Some because they want to travel to Andhera one day, but most of them want to honor the history of the Strigoi.

Culture and cultural heritage

Their cultural heritage is important to the Strigoi. They have various customs to commemorate their history and every child learns these from an early age. They consider the Old Language to be an important part of their culture. Although the Strigoi live among humans, it is mainly the higher-ranking Strigoi who speak to each other in the old language. It also serves as a sign of cohesion.

Common Etiquette rules

Every Strigoi learns from an early age to have respect for their elders. Outside of important events, it is enough for the younger ones to look their elders in the eye when they meet them, because avoiding eye contact is considered impolite, as the eyes are regarded as the gateway to the soul.
At important events, they must also show their respect for their elders by placing their right hand flat on their heart and their left hand flat on the elbow of their right arm. This gesture is held for a few seconds and then dissolved in an elegant movement.
Higher-ranking strigoi and warriors use a similar salute, but they place their right hand closed into a fist on their heart and refrain from using their left hand.

Art & Architecture

As the Strigoi have lived in Andhera for a long time, they have refined the art of stone carving down to the smallest detail. They can carve incredibly detailed images into the rock or create the most realistic statues. They also often use arches for their buildings.
Because of their past, they build the most important buildings in stone, while simpler houses are usually made of a combination of stone and wood.

Foods & Cuisine

Stigoi feed mainly on blood, which is why they hardly grow any food. Only fruits such as grapes are cultivated, as they can be processed into wine and juice. They can tolerate such drinks, as well as water, in small quantities.
On the one hand, they are used to avoid having to consume blood so often and, on the other, to be able to offer something special at important events.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Over the course of time, a combination of traditions and customs has developed that are celebrated by both peoples.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

As births are rare among the Strigoi, mothers are treated with great respect and each newborn is personally welcomed by its lord. From the very beginning, the mother receives support from all members of her home village and even before the birth, expectant mothers are treated with the utmost respect and receive all the help they need.
Encompassed species


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