The tsunami of Iloa Physical / Metaphysical Law in Esarios | World Anvil

The tsunami of Iloa

According to the history of Iloa, 200 years ago a large tsunami hit the western coast of Iloa and destroyed a large part of the beach region. Entire villages were destroyed and 500 to 1000 people are said to have died immediately and another 100 people in the ruins due to epidemics and hunger.

The forewarning

Shortly before the tsunami, there was an unexpected but slight earthquake. The tremors were felt all over Iloa, but caused hardly any damage. People talked about it, but went on with their daily lives.
It was only when the water receded, revealing large parts of the beach that had previously been covered by the sea, that people came out of their homes and wondered what it was all about. At the sight of the vast plain, fear spread among the coastal inhabitants, but no one suspected what it was all about.

The catastrophe

The water came back with a force and speed that took the inhabitants of the beach region by surprise. Within minutes, the tsunami hit land and destroyed everything in its path. The people and strigoi tried to escape to higher ground, but for many it was too late. The flood washed away buildings and people and around 500 to 1000 people were declared missing and later declared dead, including many children.
Those who survived had often lost everything and had to rebuild their lives from scratch.


After the initial shock had subsided, the people began to clean up and rebuild their homes from the materials they could still find. They felt alone and thought that they were easy prey for the Strigoi. But instead of taking advantage of the situation and offering their help for donation services, the king sent food and craftsmen to the destroyed areas and together humans and Strigoi rebuilt the villages and towns. The Strigoi were even careful to take only the most necessary blood from the people so as not to further weaken them.
During this time, the humans understood that the Strigoi were more like them than they thought and some of their fear of them subsided. The Strigoi, on the other hand, learned to appreciate the perseverance, the will to survive and the cohesion between the humans. After the construction, humans and Strigoi eventually began to work more closely together in other areas as well, resulting in a culture of cooperation.


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