The vampire night

Vampire Night is an annual event where vampires can show a part of their dark side. The festival is always announced with a certain lead time so that people can prepare for it and only those who are prepared to take part in the festival leave.
On this day, only the most important rules apply to the vampires, such as that children are taboo and no one may be forced to do anything.


Shortly after the first Strigoi became King of Iloa, the first Vampire Night was organized. It was intended as an opportunity for the vampires to live out their wild side within certain limits. To this end, volunteers were sought from among the humans who were willing to play the prey on this night and be hunted through the city, or who were prepared to do more than just give blood.
As participation in this event was not popular among the people, but the volunteers were not deterred, masks were introduced. There were half masks and full masks and all masks were black with red decorations.
Vampire Night was only held irregularly at first, but the enthusiasm of the vampires and some humans turned it into an annual tradition and the types of participants have also changed. Now all humans who want to live out their darker, less moral side are allowed to take part. The only condition was that they were prepared to be the vampires' prey that night.
Even the mask requirement was abolished again and only those people who allow themselves to be hunted through the city wear a completely black mask. For everyone else, wearing a mask is optional.


For Vampire Night, tables with food and drink are set up for people all over the city. The streets are decorated with lanterns and fire bowls and the market square is adorned with dark colors.
There is no dress code at night, which is why skimpy or crazy clothes are worn and various events are held. One of these is the hunts. The strigoi or moroi looks for a person who is willing to be chased through the streets. He approaches him so that the person can see him. If the person stands still, they do not want to be chased; if they run away, the chase begins.
The vampires usually give their prey a head start and then play with them by chasing them through the whole town. When they have had enough, they grab their prey and drink its blood. This can also lead to romance, which then takes place in a hidden room or alcove.
In other places, there are dances, some of which are lascivious and in which the vampires also quench their thirst for blood and can go even further. In other places there are lascivious show dances and everywhere moroi, strigoi and humans meet and talk, socialize and watch the dancers.


Everyone who wants to live out their wild side takes part in the event. Among the strigoi, moroi and mages who do not take part, so-called guardians are selected to ensure that the rules are observed. They are distributed throughout the city and intervene if a vampire goes too far or loses control.


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