Transport trolley


In the beginning, the transport trolleys only consisted of a large wooden box with simple benches and wooden wheels. Over time, the trolley developed further. The walls and roof were made more stable, the benches were made wider and fitted with seat cushions and the spoked wheels were fitted with iron bands to reduce wear and damage to the wheels. In addition, several small windows were built into the walls of the carriage to provide better visibility and air and the former iron door became a wooden door.The carriages were large enough to transport up to 24 people. There were up to four rows of benches, each with six seats. When the carriages were full, however, there was little space for the individual passengers and no way to move around during the journey. The carriages were pulled in pairs by powerful horses. Depending on the size of the wagon, one to three pairs were used.


The wagons were built to collect the annual donors from the villages and take them to their places of use. In the beginning, people were neither enthusiastic about the obligation to donate nor about the simplicity of the carts and the Moroi and Strigoi, who had the task of collecting the donors, were met with hatred and fear. This was partly due to the fact that the wagons initially looked like larger prison wagons.
To make it easier to deal with the people, the wagons were improved and their resemblance was removed by making the benches more comfortable and changing their appearance. Over time, people accepted the carriages and even used them for their own purposes. They were made somewhat smaller and served people in larger cities as a means of transportation for several people or groups.
Complement / Crew
The carts were controlled by one person
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Up to 24 people


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