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Collar of Agathys

Written by Esau Dm

This very rare magical collar can be worn by most familiars, offering them additional HP for 1 hour. The collar will change size to fit the creature.
Cost = 5,000gp


Range: The Wearer (Familiars only)
Duration: total of 1 Hour
Recharges: 1 use per day.

The magic within the collar only activates on a hit from a melee attack.
If, the wearer is not attacked for 10 minutes, the collar removes the protective magical force. The remainer of the duration is stored until the wearer is attacked again - with the duration reduce by how long it was active previously on that day.

A protective magical force surrounds the wearer, manifesting as a spectral frost that covers the wearer and their gear. The familiar gains 5 temporary hit points for the duration. If a creature hits the wearer with a melee attack while the familiar has these hit points, the attacking creature takes 5 cold damage.

At Higher Levels = When the magic is active when the wearer has increased levels from the original level when placed on the familiar, both the temporary hit points and the cold damage increase by 5 for each increase of level.


It looks to be an endless collar of a silver soft material in the daylight, and that shimmers in various bright colours during the night.
When the armour feature is active, then the collar of Agathys appearance changes to look of solid silver, with a spectral frost that covers the wearer and their gear.


This magic item must be worn for one hour within the Prime Material Plane by the Familiar. The creature must be deemed capable of wearing/attuning to the particular piece of equipment by the Collar of Agathys (the DM).

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Is a design of the Collar of Protection.


A Furbolg Wizard known as Firefur (due to her bright red fur), had a bat familiar Silky who she could not se easily at night, and concerned for the familiars safety. Firefur left the Prime Material Plane of Esau to seek Agathys.

Agathys is also called the Ice-Bound, was located the sixth layer of Carceri - an Outer Plane.

After much persistence and persuasion, Firefur convinced Agathys to create a collar to protect not only her own familiar.
Item type
Creation Date
Current Location

very rare magical item

0.5 - 1 gram
Base Price
5,000 gp


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